I'm putting together a new Terminator army from the Space Wolves codex
(but using the Chaos Terminator minis). They're all in various states of
being built (the majority held together by blu-tack!)
First WIP picture is my counts-as Logan Grimnar
Logan Grimnar has a storm bolter and the Axe Morkai which can be used to
make attacks as either a Frost Blade or a Power Fist. I figured an
interesting way to represent this would be to combine the Frost Blade
and Storm Bolter into a single weapon and use a powerfist for his
off-hand. I made the custodes warspear/ halberd style weapon by chopping
up a few bits and pieces. The main part of the haft and the arm are an
Imperial Terminator Thunder Hammer. I cut the ring from the bottom of
the Thunder Hammer and added a section from the Chaos Sorcerers staff to
lengthen it. A Chaos Combi-Bolter replaced the hammer head with the
grip and iron sight etc removed and the blade from a Combi-Flamer stuck
to the top of the bolter/rear of the weapon.
Will be adding some
extra bits and pieces to the mini when I get to putting it together
properly to make him stand out as the leader of the force.
I'll post some background for the army soon once I've settled on exactly what I'm going with!
Playing with colour schemes at the minute which is essentially a great excuse for messing about with this!
The Martian Civil War: Overall Impressions
Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars. An essential read for mechanicum
fans, especially those of you wanting to have access to the Dark Mechanicum