Had a great battle today where The Devotees of Elazar (at 3000 points) and my mate Frankie's Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos took on 3000 points of Dwarves and 3000 points of Dogs of War. This was just a 'friendly' game and not part of the campaign but the viciousness of the Warriors didn't imply there was any friendliness involved!
Not going to go into a great deal of detail (although I might come back and add that in).
The Devotees took the left flank on the battlefield looking across to the vast majority of the Dwarf army. The Tzeentch army took the right flank along with a unit of my warhounds and my chariot and they were going to be marching on mostly the Dogs of War. We got the first turn and so began moving forward. I moved my Shaggoth into the woods as my army was marching towards a hill with an entrenched cannon, an organ gun and a bolt thrower as well as the anvil of doom behind the hill. My Daemon Prince started out on the far left behind the Knights and my other unit of warhounds. Magic on the first turn was a complete waste for both the Devotees and the Tzeentchian allies. The opponents had a very strong first turn. Their combined shooting took out most of Throgg's trolls causing a panic test which he failed and then failed the re-roll! They then did the same to my Dragon Ogres causing them to flee. The Dragon Ogres never rallied but Throgg did only to flee when charged by a giant and leave the table! I also lost my Marauder Horsemen. The Anvil of Doom (with Thorek) used Rune of Wrath and Ruin on my Daemon Prince, my Shaggoth and Frankie's Ogres (I think). The rune caused 2 wounds on both my Daemon Prince and the Shaggoth and more importantly crippled their movement for the next turn.
Turn 2 didn't really seem much better for us with the exception that Frankie got off Infernal Gateway and rolled an 11 for strength sending a large unit of Pikemen into the realm of chaos to be munched upon by all manner of daemons! However, a number of Frankie's ogres were killed by shooting as were all but the unit champion in my great weapon wielding warriors (also the Battle Standard Bearer and my Sorcerer in that unit survived). Everything else made it's way forward and on the right flank a chaos spawn began a 3 turn battle with another Giant with initial help of my chariot which was quickly squashed but took 4 wounds off on impact but nothing in combat.
Turn 3 was a real case of damage limitation. I ran the sole surviving unit champion and my level 2 sorcerer into the woods to hide where they would spend the rest of the game unharmed with my sorcerer trying to use Titillating Delusions but only managing to cast it once in turn 5 and adding nothing else to the combat other than draining the odd dispel dice. The Battle Standard Bearer joing my unit of warriors with additional hand weapons that also contained my chaos lord general. Magic was largely ineffective for me but Frankie managed to cast Infernal Gateway again and again rolled an 11 for strength taking out a large unit of longbeards and a thane. Our opponents in their turn continued to cause a fair amount of damage with their shooting and thanks to the anvil managed to get a rear charge on my remaing unit of warriors with their mercenary horsemen and a frontal charge with a unit of dwarf warriors. I thought I would be in a lot of bother here but the dice gods were very kind. My chaos lord entered a challenge with a dwarven champion who after taking a wound he chopped into quarters. Then my warriors lost only a single one of their number to the combined attacks of both enemy units and when they hit back they hit back hard. They took out the whole unit of mercenary horsemen and decimated the dwarves causing them to flee and they were duly cut down.
Turn 4 started with my charging the warriors into a unit of handgunners standing infront of all the warmachines on the dwarven hill. Their charge reaction killed 1 warrior. The Daemon Prince flew over the heads of the dwarves to the side of the hill and the Shaggoth finally managed to make it out of the woods. My magic was mostly ineffective although over on the other flank Frankie was causing bother with his Tzeentchian magic for the Dogs of War. In combat my warriors tore the handgunners apart with my unit champion decimating theirs in a challenge. The warriors overran into the organ gun crew. Their turn 4 started with a large block of dwarven warriors failing their panic test from the daemon prince (who had Diabolic Splendour of course) and stopping 1" short of the table edge and a unit of handgunner also failing and fleeing straight into the advancing Shaggoth. The cannon fired it's grapeshot at the daemon prince but Be'Lakor proxying for Elazar passed all of his ward saves and suddenly the battle looked to have turned on its head. My Chaos Knights were charge by another unit of mercenary horsemen but easily beat them in combat running them down as they fled. The chaos warriors took out the organ gun crew and then overran into the bolt thrower crew (the 6 frontage helped for clipping each unit one after another)
Turn 5 saw my Daemon Prince relocate to the centre of the battlefield where a unit of Hammerers and the Dwarf Lord had exposed their rear to him and their flank to a unit of Dragon Ogres after pursuing a defeated enemy. The Knights charged the Dwarven warriors an inch from the table edge to make sure they fled the table and the shaggoth charged into the cannon sending the crew fleeing but stopping just short of the table edge again. In the magic phase I managed to cast Ecstatic Seizures on the hammerers killing 1 and taking a wound from the lord but that was it for me. In combat the warriors destroyed the bolt thrower crew and finally overran into Thorek and his anvil (which had been their eventual target all along). Our opponents were on the ropes now although the Dogs of War were in a better position than the dwarves and continued to pepper the Tzeentchian warriors with cannon balls and crossbow bolts. In combat the Chaos Lord challenged Thorek and caused a wound taking none in return whilst around him the Battle Standard Bearer and the warriors battered the anvil guards and the other two characters whose names escape me now.
Turn 6 my Shaggoth charged into a Dogs of War wizard and the Knights moved to take a table quarter. The Daemon Prince charged into the rear of the hammerers as Frankie's Dragon Ogres went into the flank. In combat the Shaggoth destroyed the Wizard who to his credit had passed his terror test and stood to fight! The challenge between Thorek and the Chaos Lord continued with my Lord causing another wound and taking no damage in reply. The Daemon Prince was saved from the Dwarf Lord by a Dragon Ogre champion who accepted the challenge taking 3 wounds from his always strikes first runic axe before clobbering him to death in retalliation. Then the remaining Dragon Ogres and the Daemon Prince did enough damage to rout the hammerers and ran them down. Our opponents had little left to do in turn 6 except some desperate last ditch charges with crossbowman over on the Tzeentchian side of the battlefield. The challenge between Thorek and the Chaos Lord ended in a stalemate with no wounds caused so his stubbornness kept him on the table until the end.
I know that's hardly the most comprehensive report but at the end of turn 1 and turn 2 we were a little worried as some of our hardest hitting units were decimated. We got lucky with 2 Infernal Gateways going off at strength 11. My unit of Chaos Warriors with additional hand weapons were absolutely phenomenal. They don't usually do all that well but the addition of the Chaos Lord really seemed to make them tick and they almost singlehandedly took out the Dwarven army! If it wasn't for Thorek's nigh invincible saves they'd have made a Solid Victory a massacre!
Just for reference my army list was:
Elazar The Glorified
Daemon Prince
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Diabolic Splendour
Bloodcurdling Roar
Fury of the Blood God
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Armour of Morrslieb
Gaizka The Warped
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Book of Secrets
Power Familiar
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Additional Hand Weapons
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
- Amador was in this unit
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Full Command
Banner of Wrath
- Neron and Gaizka started off in this unit
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Light Armour
Full Command
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
Blasted Standard
Chaos Chariot
Mark of Slaanesh
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Great Weapon
Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement
[image: Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement]
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Also, 'twas interesting to read about Amador's heroic performance in the battle; read all about Chaos Lords being nothing but a point-drain, at Warseer and other places, but I'd say mowing down an army of Dwarfs with nothing but a merry band of 10 warriors tagging along, is something few other lords could've achieved!
Thanks for a nice read
That was my thoughts entirely! It was the first time I've used a chaos lord because as you say everyone at Warseer and COTEC etc is very much anti chaos lord and pro sorcerer lord. So I didn't really expect much of him and didn't expect him to make back his points but I absolutely loved him. I've never seen anything cause as much carnage as he and the warriors managed against the dwarf army. I've got a 3000pt game this weekend against Dark Elves so I'm not expecting him to be quite as effective but I'm definitely going to give him another run out!
P.S. I really found Rending Sword useful. The amount of times he caused 3 wounds instead of 1 thanks to the reroll. I am a woeful dice roller most times so the all important reroll to wound seemed very effective. Another thing that the Tactica's on the forums don't rate!
Looking forward to the battle report, and I wish you and Amador the best!
And I'll keep the Rending Sword in mind; it sure is easily over-looked! But the small text in italic is nice *smiles*
And while I don't have any army to play with (yet) where I live now, I got myself a mortal Hordes of Chaos army back in Norway, at my parents place. I'm sure I can trick my brother into taking a game or two this summer, so I can give both the Chaos Lord and the Rending Sword a try against his Lizardmen!
Once again, good luck in the weekend!
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