I have written army lists for both of my banners for the second turn of the Warhammer Campaign. This has seen me spend campaign points on replenishing my numbers after casualties and also the points to raise a second banner under Isidro Devante. Also campaign points were spent on expanding the fortified village I captured to a fortified town and also building a fortified village around the Wizard's tower that I found.
Anyway, on to the lists.
The Glorious Host
Exalted Hero
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
The Helm of Elazar
Amador wears the Helm of Elazar. The fabled skull helm is said to have belonged to Elazar himself when he was still a mortal follower of the Gods. The helm certainly carries an air of fate about it. Barely a stroke of Amador's sword goes to waste, he has survived when others would have perished and his meteoric rise in status has strengthened his legend with his followers. The Helm of Elazar counts as: Rending Sword; Talisman of Protection; Favour of the Gods.
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Infernal Puppet
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
Additional Hand Weapon
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Light Armour
Great Weapons
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Light Armour
Throwing Axes
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Amador and Vela are both free characters so this first banner is considerably larger than the second as a result. I couldn't help myself but put the Hellcannon in there as well...
Currently the Warriors Hate Giants, the Marauders are at +1 toughness, the Marauder Horsemen are at +1 strength, the Knights are at +1 strength and so are their steeds and I think that's all the unit upgrades so far but I'll have to double check that one. As for Vela, you'll learn more on him soon!
Devante's Thralls
Isidro Devante
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Rod of Torment
Chaos Runesword
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Light Armour
Throwing Axes
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Light Armour
Great Weapons
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Blasted Standard
Great Weapons
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
Chaos Giant
Mark of Slaanesh
Now this list is something of an odd one. Just to clarify during the end of turn 1 my army managed to forge a new magic item that I could give to any of my characters (and which could take them over their allowance) so I decided to give Isidro Devante the Chaos Runesword so that he'd be able to handle himself in combat as with the small size of the list that will almost certainly happen! Also, the image I have of Devante is that he's a slaver, capable of breaking a man in so many ways, his sorcery being just one of them. Dunixi is the Chaos Giant that my army fought back at the beginning of the campaign and was captured by then leader Gaizka the Warped. I've decided that it would be fluffy for the slaver Isidro Devante to have been 'gifted' the giant by Amador as Isidro would be best suited to breaking the beast.
As for the next turn in the campaign. It's my intention to send Amador back to the shrine that eluded his former master and Isidro Devante will help to secure the rest of the island I have found myself on in the campaign before my armies head over to the mainland and the promise of the glory of war.
I know I promised a picture update but I'm afraid this isn't going to be it. I've not managed to get anything done I'm afraid. I have my 5000pt battle against Vampire Counts tomorrow so my next post will be the battle report for that. Hopefully I'll get some more painting/modelling done in the next couple of days to update on that!
Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement
[image: Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement]
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