I'm absolutely loving putting together a 7000pt army list for my battle against the Skaven in just over a fortnight. I'm going to show you the army list now. It might give a few bits away about some of my upcoming projects but it's great fitting in all the characters I've created in my head and I have minis for and being able to field them in the way that I want them! The list isn't massively competitive but to be honest I'm more interested in the spectacle of a battle this huge than worrying too much about whether I will win!
Amador The Chosen of Elazar
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Daemonic Mount
Helm of Elazar
(Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Favour of the Gods)
Elazar The Glorified
Daemon Prince
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Diabolic Splendour
Fury of the Blood God
Stream of Corruption
Aaracturious The Betrayer
(counts as Kholek Suneater)
Isidro Devante
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Rod of Torment
Power Familiar
Dispel Scroll
Biting Blade
Gaizka The Warped
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Book of Secrets
Spell Familiar
Black Tongue
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Armour of Damnation
Dispel Scroll
Dispel Scroll
Vela The Performer
(You should know this guy by now!)
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
The Marionette
(Infernal Puppet
Bronze Armour of Zhrakk
Conjoined Homunculus)
Harkaitz The Herald of Elazar
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Daemonic Mount
The Glorious Standard
(Banner of the Gods)
Endika Fleshtearer
Exalted Hero
Mark of Slaanesh
Steed of Slaanesh
Armour of Morrslieb
Blade Thrower
(Bloodcurdling Roar)
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
Additional Hand Weapons
12 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Banner of Wrath
11 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Light Armour
20 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Light Armour
3 x 5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
6 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
Banner of Rage
6 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
Blasted Standard
2 x 3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
3 x Hellcannons
4 x 5 Warhounds
Now this comes in a 6565 pts (sadly not 6666pts, that would have been so Slaaneshily brilliant!). I'm unsure what to do with the remaining points. Any suggestions? I have plenty of options as I can borrow the minis I need. This is 133 models. Churning out a whopping 22 Power Dice (+2 bound spells) and 11 Dispel Dice (+3 Dispel Scrolls).
Aaracturious and his Dragon Ogres will have primary duties of dealing with the abundance of Doomwheels that will be hurtling towards my army. Their immunity to lightning spells will make them very useful in this roll and their high strengths will hopefully make fairly quick work of the evil contraptions. Aaracturious can then focus his shooting attacks on the prime targets for such things such as Plague Furnaces to help the rest of the troops out with the abundance of unbreakable plague monks they're expecting to meet in combat! Not sure how magic heavy the Skaven army will be but it will be hard pushed to counter everything the chaos army will be throwing out and I will have plenty of leadership destroying spells and also plenty of panic, fear and terror causing units to force as many of these checks as possible. My troops are going to be heavily out numbered so the fast cavalry and the Knights are going to be really essential for trying to get round the flanks of the Skaven force and hopefully I can then roll them up! Sounds so simple typed out.
D&D: WotC Just Laid Off a Major Chunk of Its Virtual Tabletop Team
[image: D&D: WotC Just Laid Off a Major Chunk of Its Virtual Tabletop Team]
According to a Linkedin post from a now-former developer, approximately 90%
Best of luck with it! I'd say include a unit more of Knights for the remaining points, plus maybe a unit more of Warriors. Hope things are going good with your painting, looking forward to any progress on the Battle Standard Bearer of yours.
I was thnking possibly a unit of Chosen and a Warshrine just because it'll be something a bit different but not sure. A unit of Knights would probably be a lot more useful. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.
Expect an update on the BSB tomorrow maybe, will take some PIP shots of him but there's not a lot done yet so would just be a waste for now! :)
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