I intentionally used the poster style one here because it makes me laugh everytime. Anyhow, the picture is so plain awesome and every time I see it I want to start a Space Marine army. However, I have no intention of playing as Space Marines any time soon (not that sort anyway!) and I'm not convinced I want to stick religiously to the picture and make a Black Templar. Because I fancy painting something a bit more interesting than the Black Templars. So now to trawl through all the different chapter colour schemes to see one that jumps out. Does anybody have any good suggestions? I've always had a soft spot for the Imperial Fists since I started playing Space Crusade way back when so they seem like the next best choice (and seeing as the Templars are a second founding from the Fists it's not too massive a diversion from the original, ok it is, yellow instead of black is quite a change!). Also thought maybe Dark Angels, not least because I have some bits for them to give me a head start. Other suggestions so far have been Blood Angels and Blood Ravens (in particular reference to the standard bearing sergeant in the intro to Dawn of War). Any thoughts? How would you like to see this done?
I'm with you on Imperial Fists! They don't geat enough hobby love in my opinion.
im with the blood angels. but make it a death company marine it makes so much more since and gives you the berserking feel of the marine in the poster
and plus you have to admit things always seem to blow up around them, just like the poster.
You can NEVER go wrong with Ultramarines.
Paint 'em whatever color scheme you want and go with whatever rules set you want. Except for Space Wolves and Dark Angels, all of the other Space Marine chapters are interchangeable. My marines are a dark blue, like the crimson fists, but I run them as either an Ultramarine successor chapter or a Blood Angels successor chapter, The Royal Bastards chapter. Blue-bloods, get it? Design your own paint scheme to look however you want it to look.
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