Wednesday, 28 July 2010
The Glorious Works Logo Challenge
I'm looking for a new logo for The Glorious Works and so I thought I'd open that up as a competition. The prize is this converted Dragon. I'm quite proud of the conversion and it'll make a great centrepiece in anyone's army. It can have a rider added to it or it has the potential to be used for the Transformation of Khadon spell etc. It still needs a little bit of work to tidy it all up but I'll have that done and post updated pictures soon.
I'm looking for a logo that I can use in banners etc. So it preferably needs to be scaleable and of a high resolution but more importantly it needs to follow the rule of cool and represent The Glorious Works. You might decide to draw a demon painting a mini (actually that'd be a really cool idea if anybody wants to try it!) or come up with a cool logo using the initials of the site or something else entirely. I'm looking for originality and something that stands out from all the other entries.
So now the rules and terms & conditions:
The challenge closes at the end of 10th September. The entries will be judged after this point and I'll try to post the results as soon as possible afterwards.
Your design must be your own work. No manipulation of other peoples images etc.
Entries will be preferred in the following formats: .jpeg .gif .svg or .psd
Entries will be preferred starting at a minimum size of 400 x 400 pixels but larger than this is perfectly fine.
Entries will be a still image and not a .gif animation etc.
You can enter more than once if you wish but I'm looking for quality over quantity here.
The competition is open to anyone regardless of where you are in the world etc.
By entering the contest you agree to the terms and conditions set out below:
By entering the contest I surrender all rights and ownership to my entry and I agree to the competition organiser using my entry as they see fit.
I accept the rules of the competition and will ensure the my entry is my own work and in no way an infringement on any other party's rights.
I accept that the judge's decision is final.
Entries should be sent here
I'm looking for a logo that I can use in banners etc. So it preferably needs to be scaleable and of a high resolution but more importantly it needs to follow the rule of cool and represent The Glorious Works. You might decide to draw a demon painting a mini (actually that'd be a really cool idea if anybody wants to try it!) or come up with a cool logo using the initials of the site or something else entirely. I'm looking for originality and something that stands out from all the other entries.
So now the rules and terms & conditions:
The challenge closes at the end of 10th September. The entries will be judged after this point and I'll try to post the results as soon as possible afterwards.
Your design must be your own work. No manipulation of other peoples images etc.
Entries will be preferred in the following formats: .jpeg .gif .svg or .psd
Entries will be preferred starting at a minimum size of 400 x 400 pixels but larger than this is perfectly fine.
Entries will be a still image and not a .gif animation etc.
You can enter more than once if you wish but I'm looking for quality over quantity here.
The competition is open to anyone regardless of where you are in the world etc.
By entering the contest you agree to the terms and conditions set out below:
By entering the contest I surrender all rights and ownership to my entry and I agree to the competition organiser using my entry as they see fit.
I accept the rules of the competition and will ensure the my entry is my own work and in no way an infringement on any other party's rights.
I accept that the judge's decision is final.
Entries should be sent here
Logo Contest
Monday, 26 July 2010
Land Raider Update
A very productive few days of painting... not! I've been painting so slowly that to the naked eye it's as if I've done nothing at all. Not good! I'm going to have to go into blitz mode this evening so that I can actually have any chance of having this army ready! Hopefully I can finish the steel coloured metallics and move onto the bronze this evening. Once that's done it's just tidy up and then dirtying up to be done! Anyway, pointless picture of a tank track!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Warhammer Minis On Ebay + Logo Contest Heads Up!
I've put a lot more stuff up on ebay now to be found here. Amongst the auctions are Dieter Helsnicht, a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth and Wulfrik The Wanderer plus much more!

I also wanted to give a quick heads up that there's a logo contest coming up in the next few days. If you follow my twitter you might have seen this already but the long and short of it is I want a new logo for The Glorious Works and I figure I'd open it up as a competition with a prize. Nothing like a bit of competitive spirit! Keep watching this space and I'll post details on this soon enough!
Pure Blog
Monday, 19 July 2010
Slow Progress On The Land Raider Crusader!
So, The Glorious Works has been a bit quiet for a week! I have many excuses for that (and the distinctive lack of painting progress too!) not least having gone away to get married! Now I'm back and getting on top of things is the main aim of the game. 6 weeks to go and a LOT of work to do on The Gorewing. So I'm back to the Land Raider now...
Done some more work on the red including some of the battle damage although I have lots of weathering still to do to the model (and to start the metallics full stop...) Do you think it needs another highlight? When I did the highlight to start with it looked very bright and I was worried it'd gone too orange but now with the shading in the highlight looks to be a little lost in the colour to me, is this the case for everyone else? I realise the pictures are far from brilliant, for some reason the Land Raider just doesn't want to photograph. Anyway, here's two dodgy WIP pics!
Done some more work on the red including some of the battle damage although I have lots of weathering still to do to the model (and to start the metallics full stop...) Do you think it needs another highlight? When I did the highlight to start with it looked very bright and I was worried it'd gone too orange but now with the shading in the highlight looks to be a little lost in the colour to me, is this the case for everyone else? I realise the pictures are far from brilliant, for some reason the Land Raider just doesn't want to photograph. Anyway, here's two dodgy WIP pics!
Chaos Space Marines,
The Gorewing,
Warhammer 40K,
World Eaters
Saturday, 10 July 2010
The Devotees of Elazar - Warriors of Chaos On Ebay
With a heavy heart I'm selling the Devotees of Elazar. Ebay auctions can be found here with some more still to come.
I'll be working on a different fantasy army once I'm finished with the Gorewing army for 40k. Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to comment them, hopefully you'll like the next army...
I'll be working on a different fantasy army once I'm finished with the Gorewing army for 40k. Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to comment them, hopefully you'll like the next army...
The Devotees of Elazar,
Warriors of Chaos
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
'Soul Hunter' by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Time for something new for The Glorious Works, a book review! I wanted to start with this book for two reasons, firstly and obviously I’ve just read it! Secondly, it’s really inspired me in regards to which army I might build for 40k next! Anyway, I’m a proper fanboy so this probably won’t be the purest book review and just as much a chance to talk over the awesome background material! So, on with it…!
The plot of ‘Soul Hunter’ centres around the assault on the Crythe Cluster by the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler, amongst them the Night Lords aboard the Strike Cruiser Covenant of Blood. The central character is Talos, formerly an Apothecary in 10th Company but now de-facto leader of First Claw after the decline of 10th. The plot moves along nicely and Demski-Bowden has a knack for knowing when to leave proceedings and throw us back in a little further along in the plot. I can’t remember feeling as if the story was coasting at any point and to use the old cliché this made the book a real page turner!
The principal characters are all very well developed and have that gritty Warhammer 40,000 feel to them even the best amongst them are flawed. Of particular note in my opinion are some of the slightly less central characters in the plot. Especially Dembski-Bowden’s interpretations of Abaddon The Despoiler and Malcharion the Dreadnought. I noticed in the discussion between Aaron Dembski-Bowden and Dan Abnett that the Black Library published on their website there was mention of proposing a series of books about The Despoiler. I would dearly love to see Dembski-Bowden working on that, after more Night Lords book of course! Dembski-Bowden’s Abaddon captures all the facets you’d expect of such a character and he does this in a very short cameo appearance. As for Malcharion, Aaron Dembski-Bowden does a brilliant job of describing the dishonour as which Malcharion sees his fate and his detachment from the world of the living but we also see the inspiring presence such a legendary hero brings to his men and the internal conflict all of this brings about in the old warrior.
I had a feeling I’d love this book when I read in Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s bio that he got into the hobby through Space Crusade, which was what suckered me in all those years ago! It certainly appears from this book that Aaron Dembski-Bowden has been immersed in the Warhammer 40,000 ethos for a long time. You get the impression that the quest for justice and vindication was just as much Dembski-Bowden’s quest to ensure the Night Lords were done justice. A great legion, full of character the Night Lords have been sadly a little sidelined in recent years, being only a little footnote in the last Chaos Space Marines codex and completely absent from the Horus Heresy books so far! Dembski-Bowden does a wonderful job in this book of creating the character of the legion and showing the influences of their unique home world Nostramo. This is done in subtle ways such as the use of the word night when we would often use day and humerous little nods such as the Rhino named Carpe Noctum – Seize the Night. What he certainly doesn’t do is just play to the clichéd spikey marines vibe. Don’t get me wrong, the Night Lords are seemingly spikier than a herd of hedgehogs in a stack of needles but Dembski-Bowden plays upon the character of the legion and not just the appearance they choose so as to instil fear in their enemies.
Dembski-Bowden also captures that whilst renegades, the Night Lords aren’t heretics in the same sense as the World Eaters, Word Bearers, Sons of Horus etc. Their fall happened before Horus’ treachery came to the fore and had little to do with the chaos gods. The Night Lords were already enemies of the Imperium because of what they felt to be a great injustice done against them by the Emperor of mankind. When the galactic civil war broke out they only had one side to join. The Night Lords are noble in their suffering. They survive with only a handful of their former numbers and a skeleton crew aboard their vessel. They salvage equipment from the dead and they continue their war of terror on the Imperium, in their view, in the name of justice and vindication following the martyrdom of their Primarch.
Residing in the warp as they now have to the taint of chaos is evident amongst them but they haven’t ideologically embraced it and indeed many see it as decay and abhor their brothers who become slaves to the Dark Gods. One of my favourite parts of this book was when each of the chaos gods speak to Talos in turn, offering their gifts should he swear himself to them. Each of the gods appearing as altered reflections of himself. It’s a wonderfully written section of the book and really captures the characters of the Ruinous Four.
There are plenty of amazing scenes in this story and I do wonder if Aaron Dembski-Bowden had sitting on his desk a ‘Rule of Cool Checklist’ specially for writing this.
Dreadnought vs. Dreadnought. Check. Marines felling a Titan. Check. Pretty much anything to do with the Night Lords. Check…
The only dislike I had of the book was in regards to The Exalted and how the story ended. I thought his actions in the finish, whilst believable, seemed a slight contradiction to his character up until that point and this wasn’t really ever justified enough to the reader which gave the ending a slightly rushed feel.
Certainly after reading ‘Soul Hunter’ I’m quite keen to read ‘Helsreach’ and the future Horus Heresy book ‘The First Heretic’ about another chapter I love, the Word Bearers, both by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Next month also sees the release of ‘Throne of Lies’ an audio cd following on from the events of ‘Soul Hunter’. Personally, I’ve never quite gotten on with the audio book format but I might be inclined to give it another go given the subject matter and the author. In my opinion the duopoly of Abnett and McNeil as the great writers of the Black Library has been broken. The triumvirate of Dembski-Bowden, Abnett and McNeil shall reign supreme!
All in all then it’s a very worthy 9/10. Earning it the Mark of Tzeentch, certainly the Exalted would be happy with that but not sure how pleased Talos would be with the fall to the Dark Gods…
The plot of ‘Soul Hunter’ centres around the assault on the Crythe Cluster by the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler, amongst them the Night Lords aboard the Strike Cruiser Covenant of Blood. The central character is Talos, formerly an Apothecary in 10th Company but now de-facto leader of First Claw after the decline of 10th. The plot moves along nicely and Demski-Bowden has a knack for knowing when to leave proceedings and throw us back in a little further along in the plot. I can’t remember feeling as if the story was coasting at any point and to use the old cliché this made the book a real page turner!
The principal characters are all very well developed and have that gritty Warhammer 40,000 feel to them even the best amongst them are flawed. Of particular note in my opinion are some of the slightly less central characters in the plot. Especially Dembski-Bowden’s interpretations of Abaddon The Despoiler and Malcharion the Dreadnought. I noticed in the discussion between Aaron Dembski-Bowden and Dan Abnett that the Black Library published on their website there was mention of proposing a series of books about The Despoiler. I would dearly love to see Dembski-Bowden working on that, after more Night Lords book of course! Dembski-Bowden’s Abaddon captures all the facets you’d expect of such a character and he does this in a very short cameo appearance. As for Malcharion, Aaron Dembski-Bowden does a brilliant job of describing the dishonour as which Malcharion sees his fate and his detachment from the world of the living but we also see the inspiring presence such a legendary hero brings to his men and the internal conflict all of this brings about in the old warrior.
I saw your Emperor. A handful of times
back in the age before he betrayed us all...
And he was no god. Perhaps not a man, but never a god.
Talos of the Night Lords
back in the age before he betrayed us all...
And he was no god. Perhaps not a man, but never a god.
Talos of the Night Lords
I had a feeling I’d love this book when I read in Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s bio that he got into the hobby through Space Crusade, which was what suckered me in all those years ago! It certainly appears from this book that Aaron Dembski-Bowden has been immersed in the Warhammer 40,000 ethos for a long time. You get the impression that the quest for justice and vindication was just as much Dembski-Bowden’s quest to ensure the Night Lords were done justice. A great legion, full of character the Night Lords have been sadly a little sidelined in recent years, being only a little footnote in the last Chaos Space Marines codex and completely absent from the Horus Heresy books so far! Dembski-Bowden does a wonderful job in this book of creating the character of the legion and showing the influences of their unique home world Nostramo. This is done in subtle ways such as the use of the word night when we would often use day and humerous little nods such as the Rhino named Carpe Noctum – Seize the Night. What he certainly doesn’t do is just play to the clichéd spikey marines vibe. Don’t get me wrong, the Night Lords are seemingly spikier than a herd of hedgehogs in a stack of needles but Dembski-Bowden plays upon the character of the legion and not just the appearance they choose so as to instil fear in their enemies.
Dembski-Bowden also captures that whilst renegades, the Night Lords aren’t heretics in the same sense as the World Eaters, Word Bearers, Sons of Horus etc. Their fall happened before Horus’ treachery came to the fore and had little to do with the chaos gods. The Night Lords were already enemies of the Imperium because of what they felt to be a great injustice done against them by the Emperor of mankind. When the galactic civil war broke out they only had one side to join. The Night Lords are noble in their suffering. They survive with only a handful of their former numbers and a skeleton crew aboard their vessel. They salvage equipment from the dead and they continue their war of terror on the Imperium, in their view, in the name of justice and vindication following the martyrdom of their Primarch.
Residing in the warp as they now have to the taint of chaos is evident amongst them but they haven’t ideologically embraced it and indeed many see it as decay and abhor their brothers who become slaves to the Dark Gods. One of my favourite parts of this book was when each of the chaos gods speak to Talos in turn, offering their gifts should he swear himself to them. Each of the gods appearing as altered reflections of himself. It’s a wonderfully written section of the book and really captures the characters of the Ruinous Four.
We will bring our wrath upon the empire
that betrayed us, and though the ages may see
us divided and broken by the endless war ahead,
we will stand untainted until the stars themselves die
The War-Sage Malcharion
that betrayed us, and though the ages may see
us divided and broken by the endless war ahead,
we will stand untainted until the stars themselves die
The War-Sage Malcharion
There are plenty of amazing scenes in this story and I do wonder if Aaron Dembski-Bowden had sitting on his desk a ‘Rule of Cool Checklist’ specially for writing this.
Dreadnought vs. Dreadnought. Check. Marines felling a Titan. Check. Pretty much anything to do with the Night Lords. Check…
The only dislike I had of the book was in regards to The Exalted and how the story ended. I thought his actions in the finish, whilst believable, seemed a slight contradiction to his character up until that point and this wasn’t really ever justified enough to the reader which gave the ending a slightly rushed feel.
Certainly after reading ‘Soul Hunter’ I’m quite keen to read ‘Helsreach’ and the future Horus Heresy book ‘The First Heretic’ about another chapter I love, the Word Bearers, both by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Next month also sees the release of ‘Throne of Lies’ an audio cd following on from the events of ‘Soul Hunter’. Personally, I’ve never quite gotten on with the audio book format but I might be inclined to give it another go given the subject matter and the author. In my opinion the duopoly of Abnett and McNeil as the great writers of the Black Library has been broken. The triumvirate of Dembski-Bowden, Abnett and McNeil shall reign supreme!
All in all then it’s a very worthy 9/10. Earning it the Mark of Tzeentch, certainly the Exalted would be happy with that but not sure how pleased Talos would be with the fall to the Dark Gods…
Book Review
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
WIP Murder-Squad Vilan & Thoughts On My First Two Games
These half built guys have already seen battle and ensured that the blood flowed in honour of Khorne (a lot of it their own unfortunately!) but to quote from one of the Unholy Tomes:
"Though you may have won this battle, we shall return, and ultimately we shall win the war. Every head hewn from neck, every drop of blood spilt, makes Khorne stronger regardless of whom it is that dies in the dirt. You cannot win, for to fight us is to give us power"
Lots of work to do on these much like the other squad but I'll come back to that before I'm ready to paint them!
So as mentioned, had my first two games of 40k against Space Wolves. First was Capture & Control and the second was Annihilation. Learnt a LOT! Picked up more of the rules from playing them and it mostly made sense! Learnt even more though about my army. The capture and control game confirmed to me that I'm definitely going to have to focus on wiping out scoring units in the enemy army, which, to be fair feels very fitting for The Gorewing! I kept one squad of Terminators on my home objective and sent the other after the Puppies' objective but I think in hindsight the Lone Wolves would have been better deployed camped out on the home objective making use of Feel No Pain to contest that one for as long they could stand and combining the threat of the two Terminator squads to bomb forward in their Land Raiders. In games with a greater number of objectives though I'm going to really struggle. One other important thing I learnt is not to sit on the one shot from the Combi-Meltas, I was reluctant to 'waste' them but in the process of saving them up the four Terminators with them all were killed when the extra bit of firepower could have made a difference to the amount of damage coming back at them! Anyway, they were fun games and now The Gorewing have a grudge to settle with the Space Wolves at a later date!
"Though you may have won this battle, we shall return, and ultimately we shall win the war. Every head hewn from neck, every drop of blood spilt, makes Khorne stronger regardless of whom it is that dies in the dirt. You cannot win, for to fight us is to give us power"
Lots of work to do on these much like the other squad but I'll come back to that before I'm ready to paint them!
So as mentioned, had my first two games of 40k against Space Wolves. First was Capture & Control and the second was Annihilation. Learnt a LOT! Picked up more of the rules from playing them and it mostly made sense! Learnt even more though about my army. The capture and control game confirmed to me that I'm definitely going to have to focus on wiping out scoring units in the enemy army, which, to be fair feels very fitting for The Gorewing! I kept one squad of Terminators on my home objective and sent the other after the Puppies' objective but I think in hindsight the Lone Wolves would have been better deployed camped out on the home objective making use of Feel No Pain to contest that one for as long they could stand and combining the threat of the two Terminator squads to bomb forward in their Land Raiders. In games with a greater number of objectives though I'm going to really struggle. One other important thing I learnt is not to sit on the one shot from the Combi-Meltas, I was reluctant to 'waste' them but in the process of saving them up the four Terminators with them all were killed when the extra bit of firepower could have made a difference to the amount of damage coming back at them! Anyway, they were fun games and now The Gorewing have a grudge to settle with the Space Wolves at a later date!
Monday, 5 July 2010
40K Tournament 28th & 29th August - NAG 25th Anniversary
There are still tickets left for this, see below if you're interested!

The tournament pack can be found here

Date: 28th-29th August, 2010
Venue: St Cuthberts Church Hall, Blyth, Northumberland
Details: To celebrate their 25th anniversary, the Northumbrian Adventurer's Guild gaming club invite you to their two-day Warhammer 40,000 tournament. You will need to be a member of a GCN gaming club to enter, and will need a 1500 point army to play in six games over the course of the weekend. Places are extremely limited and can be resolved on a first come, first served basis. Tournament packs can be downloaded from the club website.
Tickets: Tickets cost £15 per player and include a free buffet on both days.
Contact: Steven 'Patch' Patchett -
The tournament pack can be found here
Warhammer 40K
Friday, 2 July 2010
The Gorewing - Murder-Squad Nuthor
I've got my first game on Sunday against Space Wolves. Need to learn to play for the tournament!
So I've been busy assembling the Gorewing so that they might murder and make offerings of the Space Wolves' skulls to The Blood God's Throne!
I figure Nuthor and Vilan wielding the biggest baddest weapons would have made themselves the leaders of the separate squads. Who's going to argue with the guy with a bank of missiles on his shoulders!
Oh, Ikar's counts as Frost Blade is made from two of the Forge World chain axes stuck together. These all need some tidying up and green stuff work but I'm just getting ready for the tabletop for now. I'll do the nitty gritty bits when I get closer to painting them!
So I've been busy assembling the Gorewing so that they might murder and make offerings of the Space Wolves' skulls to The Blood God's Throne!
Brother-Slaughterer Dakburn
Brother-Slaughterer Ikar
Brother-Slaughterer Randar
Murder-Squad Nuthor
(Brother-Slaughterers Nuthor, Ikar, Randar, Dakburn and Markard)
(Brother-Slaughterers Nuthor, Ikar, Randar, Dakburn and Markard)
I figure Nuthor and Vilan wielding the biggest baddest weapons would have made themselves the leaders of the separate squads. Who's going to argue with the guy with a bank of missiles on his shoulders!
Oh, Ikar's counts as Frost Blade is made from two of the Forge World chain axes stuck together. These all need some tidying up and green stuff work but I'm just getting ready for the tabletop for now. I'll do the nitty gritty bits when I get closer to painting them!
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