With a heavy heart I'm selling the Devotees of Elazar. Ebay auctions can be found here with some more still to come.
I'll be working on a different fantasy army once I'm finished with the Gorewing army for 40k. Thank you to everyone who's taken the time to comment them, hopefully you'll like the next army...
Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement
[image: Where Did You Go?! – Five Board Games With Hidden Movement]
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monstrosities, hi...
OMG, you selling your army because the 8th Ed.?
The WoC FAQ sucks, I know, but selling your army isn't just too much??
Are you another one who will be starting empire/dwarfs/helves because of the rules?
Cmon! I'm sure GW won't stop the power creep, and the next three armies will be much powerful than the now "over the top and beyond" Empire.
Oh nothing like that, I think the FAQ is fine personally and I think Warriors will prove to be a very strong list in 8th edition. I've been thinking about doing a new army as I've grown a bit bored of my Warriors of Chaos now and want to paint something different. Sadly I don't have the storage space to start a new Fantasy army and keep this one as well as my 40k army so I decided I'd sell it and somebody will have a good start on a WoC army for 8th edition. I just figured a new edition of the rules is probably a better time than any to pick a new army as I'm going to have to relearn rules anyway might as well do my new army at the same time! :)
That's one post I never thought I'd see here at the Glorious Works...
Sad to see the Devotees go, been a joy following their development up 'til now, and I hope they find a nice and loving new owner.
Decided yet what will be your new army, or are you waiting until the Gorewing are finished?
Yes, took a long time to reach the decision but I'm excited now to do something a little different. Hopefully The Devotees will go to an owner who's eager to throw them into battle so that they can continue to bring glory to their name!
I have decided on my new army. It will be a Vampire Counts army (you're partly to blame for this I was already teetering on the edge and then the awesome paintjob you gave your Vlad convinced me I needed to paint a vampire!). I have a theme in mind (there must be a theme!) and I plan on really taking my time with them and making them the very best that I'm capable of hobby-wise. There won't be any minis for them until the Gorewing are done (the carrot to help motivate my painting at the minute!) but there might be a post with some background fluff before then as I have quite a good idea of it all now :)
You putting the blame on me?!
Turns out I should've painted up my Chaos Sorcerer instead of Vlad after all...
May I guess as to the theme? I know at least what I'd choose if I were to make a Vampire Counts army, and that's a Blood Dragon-themed, centered around either Walach of Blood Keep or one other of Abborash's unholy disciples. Elite and with relativly few models; some blocks of the gorgeous Skeletons of course, but Black Knights and Blood Knights taking up special and rare choices, respectivly.
That's the Vampire Counts army of my dreams...
That was the theme I had in mind when I first started considering Vampire Counts but now the idea is pretty much the exact opposite! Will post a bit of background fluff soon to reveal a little more! :)
Exact opposite? Hmm, can't wait for the fluff then!
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