A new year and a new project! I have began dabbling in the Malifaux hobby and I'll write about it all here Starting with my Neverborn - Dreamer crew but with a soon to follow Hamelin The Plagued crew as well as scenery and other bits.
To get started a quick picture of a mock-up of my first four minis:
Lord Chompy Bits (back-left), Teddy (back-right), Coppelius (front-left), The Dreamer (front-right)
The fluff for the Dreamer is pure brilliance. The Dreamer has manifested himself in Malifaux through a dream. The only problem is he believes it all to be a dream. He enjoys playing games in his dreams, especially with his monstrous companion, the ancient creature Nytmare - who the Dreamer has named Lord Chompy Bits. The Dreamer thinks he's playing an innocent game of tag with the inhabitants of Malifaux, chasing them round and "gobbling them up" but in fact it is all far more sinister...
There are 3 Daydreams and 2/3 Alps to add to the crew before it is complete but I should have those in the next couple of days.
Lots to do to the minis before they're even ready for painting yet. Not sure where I'll start the painting but I'm thinking maybe with Teddy
There will be lots more about Malifaux to come. For those who haven't had a look into it get yourself over to http://www.wyrd-games.net and do some reading (and/or browse the awesome minis in the online store). It's a great game with some unique rules, a brilliant setting and stunning minis!
Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – Plastic Daemons Gone, Resin Still Legal, WHY?
[image: Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – Plastic Daemons Gone, Resin Still Legal,
Goatboy here to figure out whats up with the confusing hot mess of missi...
Malifaux is great fun and the minis are lovely to paint. Enjoy it.
I actually just painted two Malifaux minis over Xmas they are great fun to paint.
Thanks for the comments guys. Really excited about these minis I have to say. Not gotten very far yet but enjoying just planning out the project let alone actually getting to do some painting! :-D
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