Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – Plastic Daemons Gone, Resin Still Legal, WHY?
[image: Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – Plastic Daemons Gone, Resin Still Legal,
Goatboy here to figure out whats up with the confusing hot mess of missi...
Another very nice job. If you don't mind me asking, what's your method for painting flesh? Your Kade is a lot warmer looking than mine.
Hey Mike, thanks for the compliments.
Of course I don't mind you asking :)
For flesh I undercoat black, then give it a couple of coats of watered down tallarn flesh until it's smooth and covered. Then I give it two coats of watered ogryn flesh, making sure there's no pooling. A coat of tallarn again, leaving the recesses and then start mixing in bleached bone to the tallarn flesh and slowly build it up making sure each coat is thinned down with a bit of water.
Hope this helps,
That's a very creepy mini and like mike said the flesh tone is great.
Epic again James. Cant wait to see this crew fully painted. We definitely need to get some pics from our next game when Baby Kade meets Colette!
love him. The eyes really make the model. I can only imagine this creepy little bugger in a movie with his head swivelling around in a circle.
Nicely done!
Thanks everyone!
I think I'm the only one that thinks he's kind of cute rather than creepy! :D
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