This weekend will see my Space Wolves taking part in their first tournament since the release of 6th edition.
I've gone through about twelve different drafts of army lists before settling on one I wanted to play.
My Wolf Guard Terminators haven't been as in favour so far as my Grey Hunters (with the odd Terminator leading them) have been enjoying their time in the sun but when it came to writing my list I've eventually gone back to a list similar to the one which got me to 2nd place in the NAG 'Ard Boys tournament back in March.
The list I'm using this weekend is:
Logan Grimnar
Lone Wolf - Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield, 2 x Fenrisian Wolves
Lone Wolf - Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield, 2 x Fenrisian Wolves
Lone Wolf - Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield, 2 x Fenrisian Wolves
7 Wolf Guard Terminators - 1 x Assault Cannon & Power Fist, 1 x Combi-Melta & Power Weapon, 1 x Combi-Flamer & Power Weapon, 4 x Storm Bolter & Power Weapon
7 Wolf Guard Terminators - 1 x Assault Cannon & Power Fist, 1 x
Combi-Melta & Power Weapon, 1 x Combi-Flamer & Power Weapon, 4 x
Storm Bolter & Power Weapon
7 Wolf Guard Terminators - 1 x Assault Cannon & Power Fist, 2 x
Combi-Melta & Power Weapon, 1 x Combi-Flamer & Power Weapon, 3 x
Storm Bolter & Power Weapon
6 Long Fangs - 5 x Missile Launcher, 1 x Lascannon
6 Long Fangs - 5 x Missile Launcher, 1 x Lascannon
The plan is the Long Fangs can hopefully focus on anti-tank duties leaving my Wolf Guard free to close the distance nice and quick and then unload all of the anti-infantry firepower they have into anything that vaguely resembles a threat or a scoring unit! The Lone Wolves will hopefully do their job of scaring the living daylights out of any armour lurking in my opponents deployment zone and drawing an inordinate amount of enemy firepower and sparing the other units all of that suffering! In a push the Wolf Guard can chip in with some light anti-tank from their Assault Cannons and Combi-Meltas (backed up by the Tank Hunters rule from Logan) but their primary aim is to capture objectives and slaughter the enemy in the short range warfare they favour!
From what I've seen of 6th Edition so far it seems to have heralded the return of Plasma weapons to the fore so I'm not so sure my Wolf Guard will be able to revel in their relative invulnerability so much on this outing and will perhaps have to play a slightly more patient game than the more risky tactics I was able to get away with last edition at times. Should be an interesting test for them though!
I'll write up how it goes after the event so there will be another blog post after the weekend I'm sure.
Comments welcome of course!
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