I had a 3000pt game against Dark Elves yesterday. Sadly, I didn't really keep track of things very well so I'm going to have to just gloss over the highlights. The Dark Elves managed to secure a Solid Victory and I'm learning that no matter the build with Dark Elves, with a capable player they are a very very tough prospect for Warriors of Chaos as we don't have a great many things with which to deal with some of their better units. My opponent went magic light which came as a shock as I know he normally plays magic heavy. I had gone magic heavy with my list expecting to need the dispel dice more than anything else! The Dark Elves did however have that blasted Ring of Hotek which is pretty much a magic phase nullifier when plonked in the middle of the table!
My Daemon Prince did exceptionally well in this game though. I kept him in cover as well as I could to avoid the 4 reaper bolt throwers, crossbowmen and shades. I was pleased to roll Hellshriek on his spells as I always take Diabolic Splendour and combined with Hellshriek he becomes a lethal Terror and Panic bomb! Which proved to be the case on turn 2! He flew onto the hill with 2 reaper bolt throwers and a unit of crossbowmen there was also my opponents big scary unit of Cold One Knights nearby. I got Hellshriek to go off and I managed to make the crossbowmen flee towards Amador (my general) and his Warrior bodyguard and the Cold One Knights also failed their Panic Test and turned tale and fled to within a quarter of an inch of the table edge. There were 6 Cold One Knights, a tooled up Dreadlord and a Master Battle Standard Bearer in the unit (over 650 points). They then failed their rally test next turn and left the table!
The Daemon Prince managed to keep using the Terror and Panic tests to tie up 2 large units of spearmen who never saw combat in the game but also never quite managed to be routed from the table so didn't score me any points before he was taken down by some heavy fire from reaper bolt throwers and shades.
The Black Guard unit champion was carrying the Ring of Hotek for my opponent and so when my magic phase was churning out 3 miscasts a turn (luckily I had the Infernal Puppet!) I decided he had to be removed at any cost so that I could make some use of all the points I'd spent on my sorcerers! The only unit at the time that could get near the Black Guard were my Dragon Ogres so I decided they would have to do the job as the Dragon Ogre Champion would have to declare a challenge and hopefully he'd want to keep the Dreadlord alive for the VP and so would surrender the champion up to the chopping block. I was right and the Dragon Ogre champion made mincemeat of the Black Guard despite their mandatory always strikes first banner! However the other Dragon Ogres were chopped up and the champion fled away. However, my 14 power dice magic phase was finally on and my sorcerers started to do some damage but not enough before the toll of being outnumbered by enemy units rapidly reduced my numbers,
The enemy Hydra proved to be a pain managing to take out both my Great Weapon armed Marauders and the Warriors armed with the same (although these were flanked by the Black Guard whilst locked in combat and that's what sent them running. My other unit of Warriors with the Chaos Lord did a good job of bringing me back some VP by taking out the Hydra (and the gods blessed Amador by making him a terror causer) and then by charging into the Black Guard killing their unit champion in a challenge followed by the Dreadlord with his strength doubling multi wound weapon which was partly cancelled out by the Crimson Armour of Dargan. The Warriors around him reduced the Black Guard unit down to 3 men but these true to their stubborn nature held at the end of turn 6.
It was a really fun game against a very strong but slightly different Dark Elf list. I think it was the loss of my Daemon Prince that really lost me the battle as he wasn't there to make sure the two big units of spearmen were fleeing or below half strength at the end of the game.
My army list was as follows:
Elazar The Glorified
Daemon Prince
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Diabolic Splendour
Bloodcurdling Roar
Fury of the Blood God
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Gaizka The Warped
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Book of Secrets
Power Familiar
Isidro Devante
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Rod of Torment
Biting Blade
Inigo The Majestic
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Infernal Puppet
Talisman of Protection
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Crown of Everlasting Conquest
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Additional Hand Weapons
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
10 Chaos Wariors
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Full Command
Blasted Standard
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Light Armour
Full Command
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
D&D: WotC Just Laid Off a Major Chunk of Its Virtual Tabletop Team
[image: D&D: WotC Just Laid Off a Major Chunk of Its Virtual Tabletop Team]
According to a Linkedin post from a now-former developer, approximately 90%
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