Sing To The Gods
The Dark Master calls! The Winds of Chaos blow strong! The Cult of the
Possessed has arrived with the completion of the Magistrix:
The strange fleshy crea...
The Martian Civil War: Overall Impressions
Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4/5 stars. An essential read for mechanicum
fans, especially those of you wanting to have access to the Dark Mechanicum
Session #3 as told by Finn
*Session #3 as told by Finn*
Read: Session #3 as told by Inez here..
Waiting for Time to Pass
Finn sat cross-legged on the cold stone floor of his ...
Hombre Águila de los Adeptos de Malesur
* "Los Adeptos de Malesur son una de las razas con combatientes más
especializados y estratégicos. Aún así, también resultan ser una de las más
Return of the Cold September
Return of the Cold September
Eldar Pirates
Old World Army Challenge 8
After taking a year off the OWAC (#7) I'm back for The Ocho in 2025. This
year I'm re...
Medbury Vendel
The King Victorious! I did something I almost never do, the figures were
done and on the movement tray when I realized that the white washed shields
were o...
Vamps lead the League!
News from northern Australia where Bloodbowl coach 'Right Stuff" Reilly
sits proudly at the top of the standings with his still undefeated Vampire
Old Games & Old Guys
This week I have been thinking about a few things going on with me and
gaming. No I am not getting out of it, but were my recent thoughts have
I bashed a bunch of Aetherpunk28 dudes together over a weekend and then
wanted to make a few more of an opposing army. These are from that opposing
army ...
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
Mi resumen hobby 2024
*Miniaturas y escenografía*
Mejor que escandalizarme o disculparme por el tiempo que llevo sin publicar
aquí... me hincho de orgullo de tooooodo lo que h...
15 Years of Kingdom Death!
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! It's been a while since I wrote an article
on this little blog. This month is the 15th anniversary of my collaboration
More Little boats: Poleacre and America's
A polacca through it's first stages before basing, priming, and painting.
A little houy.
I finished assembling and rigging a few more ships including a lit...
Brushes of the Underworlds: Final Check
Initial disclaimer! We have to apologize… because even though the campaign
ended a while ago, we got distracted by other things and we forgot to
publish ...
How I potentially ruined an expensive model!
I'm definitely back on the grind of the Troll Horde, this time with
something BIG.
It all started when I went to order a Troll Hag from GW and they were ou...
Cave trolls
Deep in the darkest, dankest caverns and caves, they live. Their eyes are
almost useless after decades of darkness, their skin has almost calcified
in the ...
Röknauts Revolution
[image: Röknaut Space Dwarf army shot]“Behind each bike blasted knotwork
treadtrack, and ahead blasted scarlet tracer rounds. Forging together iron
wills a...
A Reflection on 2023
Welcome back to Chris' Miniature Woes! It's been quite a journey, and I
appreciate your patience as I navigate through the challenges that 2023
brought i...
Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rob, and I used to have
a blog here years ago, mostly focused on my tabletop wargaming.
Unfortunately, ...
Flames of War Projects for August
August was a great month for me and the hobby. I painted lots of stuff
and managed to get in a few games as well. August saw a return to Flames
of War...
FFG Live in December
Published 2 December 2022 | Legacy of Dragonholt
FFG Live in December
Announcing the FFG Livestreams for December 2022
It's FFG Live! Join us this month...
Online Casino – Look Out For the Advantages
Are you trying to find the very best online casino to play at? You will
certainly uncover a wealth of on-line casinos to pick from, but the initial
thing to…
My Painted Maximus....
Ahhhh you probably guessed this one was coming as the general.
While a cool model, its also another of the major disappointments with
Warlord Games and th...
Gaunt's Ghosts
The new set of Gaunt's Ghosts models that has just been released is
probably one of the best sculpts for Imperial Guards to date. Not only are
the poses ...
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
Best crossbow scope
“In regards to locating the very best crossbow scope for your personal
particular desires, there are numerous variables which will need to be
regarded, f...
Adeptus Titanicus
When I first started collecting miniatures, Games Workshop had two scales
for their Warhammer 40,000 universe- there was their normal gaming scale
(about 2...
The Gloomspite Gitz Invasion - Moonclan Grot #3
The next grot has joined the invasion. This little fellow is from the
boxset and was a bit of an experiment in changing up a couple colors from
the other ...
Printing a warlord Titan!
Yea you read that title right....
So what started off as a crazy suggestion from one of the Phosphex party
chaps made me think "I wonder" and so it beg...
DreadTober 2019 Week 4 - To Done!
Got all the little final detailing done on the Contemptor Achillus over the
weekend, just in time to hit the finish line for DreadTober! Without
further ad...
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Underworlds Eyes of the Nine
Another warband painted up for Warhammer Underworlds. These guys were a
combination of contrast paints and standard methods to get a decent outcome
in a r...
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
Hullo All,
Well, I'm back at work (which sucks) but I'm also partway through a pretty
productive summer!
I thought I'd mark this by updating where I am wi...
Arise blog of the past!
Wow it's been a long time and there's been a lot of miniatures under the
bridge since my last post.
Without going into too much detail on which models I'...
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
King Kreel's Grand Hunt: Idoneth Deepkin
The Grand Hunt at the Warhammer Citadel
The Eidolon of Mathlann
King Kreel’s Grand Hunt
Pah’rah, the Living River, pours across Ghur like a snake, eter...
Legends of the High Seas Resources
Legends of the High Seas cover Just a short update: After a recent request
I have just uploaded some old resources for *Legends of the High Seas* to
the ...
Going back to Middle Earth
I've dove head long back into Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings and
the Hobbit were a huge piece of my Childhood. My Pop Jim Sr read the books
to u...
291: Tomb Raiders
As I mothball my blog I'm taking stock of my hobby and armies as they
Here at the end of 2018, this is my whole Necron army. What started off as...
Necromunda Bounty Hunter
So while the picture shows off the Bounty Hunter I just painted it is also
an experiment with getting a better background for photographing my
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
Getting Fit... Again
My Dad had his second heart attack in March of 2012. I do not want to
develop diabetes, have a heart attack, or be fat. I am tired of having low
back pro...
Welp that took awhile
Lord have mercy that was a long break. I still painted stuff. Not as fast
as normal - but still knocked out a ton of stuff. Plus some artwork etc
etc. ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
Cult of Slaanesh - Dark Elf Sorceress
I did this conversion quite some time ago and have looked forward to
painting it ever since - but never gotten around to it until now. I know
dark elves ar...
Weekly updates - #13-16 (Dog Bowl VI)
Nothing to see here. Haven't spent any time playing games or
painting/assembling/converting minis. Take a look at this sad scene from my
dusty work sp...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
My name is Josh, and I'm a gamer. This site collects my current and past
gaming ventures in one place. Feel free to browse the archives if you're
looking f...
Completed Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017
Despite this being one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long while, I
have managed to finish the Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017. Adding another
Two more rifle-dreads
I finally managed to take pictures of the other two dreadnoughts. They are
also venerable and armed with twin autocannons. This makes three in total
Painting Showcase: Old Wolves
These are some nearly done figs that one of our young members is working
on. They guy's skills have come a long way in a short amount of time and I
am pr... seems we're all doing this...
It speaks *volumes *as to the sheer influence 40k has had over the years
that it seems we have all been compelled to come out of retirement to
comment on...
Otherworld Idol 2
Deuxième vidéo, avec le travail sur les éclairages : c'est pas vraiment un
truc que j'ai l'habitude de faire, en tous cas en dehors du zénital et des
Manfaat Daun Salam Dan Buahnya Untuk Kesehatan
Daun salam acapkali dipakai selaku bumbu makanan karna ada bebauan yg
eksklusif. daun salam lazim ditemui pada makanan berkuah serupa goreng
alias gulai. m...
obat panas dalam bab berdarah
[image: obat wasir stadium 2]
*obat panas dalam bab berdarah* -
Begitu juga obat wasir alami kami ini juga aman bagi ibu menyusui. Jika
sudah pasti wasir, ...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
Age of Sigmar: First Matched Play
Am I behind the times or what? Saturday I drove over to the Warhammer store
in Ann Arbor and got a 1k point pick up game, my first game since the
Blood Bowl: Model Size Comparisons Humans
So the new edition of Blood Bowl dropped last month and I got a copy for my
collection for Christmas. One of the first things people commented on
during t...
Sedition Wars: Akosha Nama
I finished Akosha Nama from Sedition Wars over the weekend, trying to find
an effective way to paint characters quickly.
I started with a spray undercoat...
Workbench 16.10.M3
Now that the blog's machine spirits have been placated, images have
returned. Thank you to everyone that let me know they weren't working.
The strangeness ...
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5! KICKSTARTED!!
Kingdom Death: Monster is a cooperative board game set in a horrific land
where players fight and die together to protect and nurture their fragile
UPDATED: Competitive Tau Tournament List (1850)
It has been quite some time since I played Warhammer 40k. I've been very
busy with RL. But next weekend my group is having another tournament. I
took out ...
Space Wolves VS Orks Zone Mortalis Battle Report
*This week's battle report is from Joseph Forgeard. Space Wolves come to
the aid of the Imperial Guard, who have fallen back to a barricade under
the rel...
Grotesques Complete
I finished the grotesques. I like how these came out. I need to make an
agonizer for the aberration, and I need a better photo setup.
15mm Great Swamp Lizard
We are very pleased to release our latest 15mm fantasy model -- the Great
Swamp Lizard. This towering beast can eat his way straight through entire
enemy ...
Guild Ball Tactics - Shock and Awe
It's a balmy early July here in the Washington DC metro area and I've been
thinking lately. I've been thinking about Guild Ball, specifically playing
it co...
mehr Malifaux! und.. andere..
Kaum zu glauben, aber Malifaux schafft es tatsächlich, dass ich mit der
Malerei am Ball bleibe. Nicht nur dass ich bisher fast alle Spiele nur mit
Jungle vines
I found this stuff a few weeks back in Joanne's fabrics and thought it
would look good as a jungle vine.
After a little some highly scientific experimentat...
WIP-REVIEW: More scenery for Robotech!
First update of this year!
I've been building the scenery sets from 4Ground I have so far:
Primera actualización del año!
He estado armando los sets de escen...
The Big Winner!
The Gamer's Armory, a game store in North Carolina, recently held a gaming
marathon to benefit the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States. I
live ...
More Rasputina Work-In-Progress
I managed to get a fair bit of work done on Rasputina yesterday and took
pictures to see if anything looked out of place. I've given up on the face,
it is...
American Ultra (2015)
Download Full American Ultra in High QualityNow you can play full American
Ultra in HD video with duration 96 Min and has been launched in 2015-08-21
Back from Scale Model Challenge 2015
Back from Scale Model Challenge! I didn't take part in the competition this
year and due to circumstances I only visited briefly in the afternoon, so
it wa...
Blog Update - Late August
Figured since I haven't posted anything recently I would go ahead and let
you, the readers, know whats been going on. Since the list building
article I po...
Execution Force Assassins
I was able to get the assassins from Execution Force from a friend who
didn't need them. They are all pretty cool, and I found them fairly easy
to ass...
Gencon Follow-up: My First Time in the Iron Arena!
If you were following a bit of my run up to Gencon posts, you might have
noticed that within the last year I've really gotten back into Warmachine
with m...
Army Impressions - Shael Han
Today we have another post from Evil Homer. He sent this to me once before,
and the first post didn't really say anything you couldn't read on the
Wrath ...
Product Review: Advanced Deployment "Flat" Terrain
Well, I missed Tuesday, but it was expected with a Boyscout camping trip
this weekend eating up a lot of my time. I had a blast, even if
the mosquitoes de...
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
Retribution - The Battlegroup
The next bettlegroup to tackle is the Retribution, or commonly known as
the angry-elf-faction. For inspiration I took a look through the art, and
the b...
Cryx Bane Knights Done
Cryx Bane Knights done. For some reason, I had a the old box of 6, and 1.
7 knights is viable right? :)
Next up, Brute thralls and Bane Riders.
Modern Garden Design Ideas Photos
Interior Design Ideas, Interior Designs, Home Design Ideas … –Design milk:
design blog interior design, modern, Design milk is a design blog featuring
A new deployment
New Deployment:
By 749.M41 the 291st Death Korps of Krieg had received the bulk of its
draft of replacements from Krieg. The replacements had been integr...
Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - End Times (Part 4)
[image: Warhammer - The End Times Khorne Banner]
A short post this one. Really just to prove that I have been continuing to
work on this project and even ...
New Product: 32mm Adapters
This is a new direct only item from Secret...
I'm writing this post with a very heavy heart. Ten days ago my
brother-in-law (my husband's sister's husband) was killed in a tragic
accident along with on...
Modern City Terrain part 2: Building
In part one of this series, I showed the materials and tools I used to
build my superhero terrain. In this part I will show you how to go about
the build...
Pardon My Dust
If you visit here with any regularity, you'll have noticed a lack of
actual, you know, website or anything. Sorry about that.
The website is getting a face...
750 Brettonians v DoC
Space Monkey was on vacation so we decided to sneak in a small game last
Wednesday. He came over with his DoC and, having played WoC, Goblins, and
Dwarfs r...
If you want to know a secret What are you waiting for? If you want to ask
me somethingI can tell you so much more If you want to cause me
trouble It's not ...
joining my HWK-290 to the rebelion
Ok I must admit it, I'm not that big fan of the HWK-290 from Xwing
Miniatures game, but a few days ago I saw the mini repaint from Stephen Donn
and I knew...
How well do you know your 30K lore?
Click to embiggen!
This is an identification chart I created for everyone's amusement, it
concerns the origins of the first Terran recruits to the origi...
New bloggery update
I've rehosted "A bit political on yer ass!" to blogger. It already includes
new content on Scotland's 2014 independence referendum. Don't forget to
update ...
Looking Ahead to 2015
Time for my obligatory attempt to state what I'm going to work on this
year. I think it's pretty safe to say I'm probably going to get involved
with som...
Nurgle Helbrute #2 WIP
Hello all! It has been a while since I have posted but I am getting back
into the hobby after a break. My first project is a second Nurgle Helbrute
for my ...
A Christmas Fantasy Campaign
Next month, I'll be heading back to the UK for the 1st time in nearly 2
years. Me and my brother Matt have been talking about arranging some games
of W...
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from A Gentleman's Ones and from Anvil Eight Games. Let's
hear it for High Fructose Corn Syrup!
complements of Chris "one take" Tavonatti
Osnova Solutions announcing new product release
London, UK. – October 13, 2014 - Osnova Solutions is a dynamic, growing
company with a mission to significantly improve the way scientific and
analytic com...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Database Update
Current edition army books only filter, 5,000 searchable battles archive,
double batrep notes and more exclusive member accolades.
Hi folks, I've been twe...
Back to School Sale
Save 50%! Sale ends soon!
Back to School Time! Start Learning to Sculpt NOW! We are happy to announce
we have released the second course in our three part ...
Master Engineer [WIP]
In all the years I have been playing Dwarfs, this is one hero that I have
never actually had a painted model for, or even used. I honestly don't
know wh...
Hobby time. Kingdom Death & Battle Systems
*Kingdom Death: Great Game Huntress Pin-up (Pinups of Death)*
I've actually managed to put brush to paint to model this week.
Whilst waiting for Kingdom ...
Ogre update
I'm more or less happy with the progress so far. I realized after i
started painting him that he has an eagle brand on his forehead too. I
green stuffed t...
Apocalypse @ Legends
This Sunday July 20th Legends Gaming will be kicking off its first major
campaign “The Battle for Periphery” by staging a massive 14,000 point
A really nice scene I caught on my phone the other night while out for a
stroll. The harvest is upon us!!
Well it has been a wonderful spring and ear...
Moving: Now posting at 4+ Tough
So, this site has been in an inactive mode for a while, mostly because I've
fallen out of love with 40k and into Warmachine, and also because I just
Malifaux Quick Fiction – The Thirteenth Sword
The Thirteenth Sword Rose knew the game was up before Cassandra said a
word. There was just something about the way she was leaning in the doorway
of the c...
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint
I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice
little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together.
My only ...
Taurox Update
Well, just a quick update today. I am swamped with casting for Mad Robot
so all I can do right now is share what I recently received in the mail...
Zombie Wedding Cake Topper
It's been forever since I've posted. I've had horrible artist's block and
lots of stress from work.
But I did get a request from a long time friend to pain...
PP Announcement! New Hordes Model!
*"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's
listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth
full ...
Kings Of War Elves and #miniaturemonday
I managed to finish off a few more bits for my Mantic elf army last
week.Here's a 10 man unit of Palace Guard:And here's a bolt thrower too:I
bought the st...
Demonica Class LandRaider
"In the depths of the eye of terror, on those worlds bound in blood, demon
and machine have become fused, cohabiting the same metal shell. These
lumbering ...
Deadzone: Enforcer Missile Launcher Conversion
OK. Completed the conversion of the Enforcer Missile Launcher. Overall I
think he came out well. I am not an expert on Green Stuff, but I think I
gave an e...
Building the Gundam - 08
Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put
them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority.
The Gundam ha...
Preview: Hex: Shards of Fate
I previously wrote about the Kickstarter for Hex: Shards of Fate. Hex is a
digital TCG that will include both a traditional PvP mode to play versus
your fr...
Special report: Compassion International
Hello everyone,
While this is not my normal type of blog post I feel this is something that
I should share. Recently I have started to sponsor 2 children th...
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt – diorama start
Since I quite enjoyed the Beastman and Greatsword diorama, I decided to
take a stab at another. While I have a few lying around, I haven’t really
painted t...
Aphid barker - Assembly
Here's the assembly guide for Aphid loader Barker, from the wave 2
Kickstarter miniatures.
This is quite a complex miniature to assemble, definitely the mo...
Space Marine Librarian
It's been a while, I must say it's far easier to update facebook, so my
activity has moved in greater part to that portal
You can follow me via facebook HER...
Painting station moved
So been a couple of weeks since my last post. Was on vacation last week and
flew out to Santa Cruz, CA. Also spent a couple of days in San Francisco
and ...
Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line
So I've decided to build an Aegis Defence Line for my Imperial Guard a week
back. I also wanted it to be a sort of display for my army and I want to
make i...
Counts as Typhus model, and 180 painted zombies
Im sorry I don't have a lot of time to talk, but this guy is my Typhus and
below are 180 zombies that I had paint commissioned. If I was anywhere
near ...
Eldar Codex 2013 Update
This is perhaps the best looking codex yet.. I am totally smitten by its
quality and the contents...
Suddenly I have the urge to paint again.... the S...
New Tau Codex 2013
Just picked up the latest codex over the weekends. Since I have already
painted all my Tau models since the last edition, I may just need to get
more coo...
The XIV Legion
Its been ages, just had a fantastically busy time of it recently. Just
checked my last blog post and it was like 2 years ago! Thats gone quick, I
havent be...
A farewell and new blog.
Hey guys. As you can tell, I've more or less abandoned this blog with a
case of burn out and being super busy. After Adepticon I am diving back
into semi r...
Some Assembly Required
I attempted to make a brick design by hand, but that was just far too
difficult. I bit the bullet and got two of these sheets yesterday for $10
and I set a...
Orc boar boyz - the boss
Finally, the boss of the unit. The boarboyz are taking more and more shape.
I'm a great fan of back banners, I honestly don't know why. Maybe it's
Back to it
Had some time to get back into the hobby and I am close to finishing this
White Scar Stormtalon.
I am pleased the way the canopy had turned out after dread...
If you are seeing this, it's because you're looking at
**. Cut that out! The Blogger incarnation of
Terrain for sale
I have the following for sale. All the buildings are mounted on solid MDF
board, most have a base coat applied and ground is textured. I estimate the
2500 pts O&G Swedish Comp 11-12
There is a tournament coming up in the middle of April that I shall be
attending. This will mark the first full-scale tournament that features the
Swedish ...
2500 pts O&G Swedish Comp 11-12
There is a tournament coming up in the middle of April that I shall be
attending. This will mark the first full-scale tournament that features the
Swedish ...
Mutant Rabble!
I thought I was being super creative by converting Vampire Count crypt
ghouls into a mutant Penal Legion, but it turns out some guys have already
done this...
That is not dead which can eternal lie ...
... and with strange aeons even death may die.
I'm not dead, just working on something else. That "something else" should
be released before the end of the...
Happy new year and 2013 Resolutions
Happy new year dear Readers...
2012 is over and it was a really uneventful year for me in terms of
blogging and painting. While I played some games, boug...
And time to break my hiatus again! (In deference to the last post - I've
started using FB more too.) Thanks to an agreement with a friend, I've
started pa...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Hi folks!
Good and bad news.
Bad news first: I'm discontinuing the Tower of Heroes. It's been a good
time and it almost feels like leaving my home, but th...
Dark Vengence Deathwing Terminators
I painted the five Deathwing battle damaged and worn.
I like the part in Angels of Darkness when they are hot on the trail and do
not remove armor or relax ...
Sorry for the long silence, I moved again for work. Quite close to the new
town I live in I found a comics shop which sold me two absolute goodies
such the...
...I'm Back...
I'm back. Let's leave it at that. 6th Edition is now out and a new
starter set has been released. It made me want to get back in the saddle
and try so...
So, I've made the frequent disclaimer I pretty much suck at keeping my blog
updated. But it does happen on occasion and hopefully those of you still
Sala d'Aïllament per a la missió Presoner P-09
Amb cartó ploma he muntat la sala central de la nova missió per a Infinity,
Presoner P-09. Tot i que és una mica rudimentària, trobe que serà útil. En
Just a quick final post here. It's been a busy year since the previous post
here. We've got a new site up and running with a broader wargaming focus
Just a quick final post here. It's been a busy year since the previous post
here. We've got a new site up and running with a broader wargaming focus
First Look: Cover: The Sigillite
So, here's the first of a few new artworks revealed over on the Black
Library blog, my cover for Chris Wraight's new audio drama, 'The Sigillite':
Guild, BoLS, Gencon and Leviticus
Well yet again I have been negligant in my blogging, a good excuse this
time though with my wedding and honeymoon in June and July, now things have
Eldar Warlock WiP.
Okay, it’s almost Friday and I’ve found some time to take a picture of
Warlock that I have been painting on for the past week. Just something
that’s been...
Meet the Psycho
I've been super busy what with graduating college and looking for a job but
I thought I'd just pop in to be one of the first to post about the new TF2
WIP Coteaz Part 3 - Complete
Well I finally finished Coteaz and have some pictures up on both Facebook
and my Deviant Art gallery.
So I thought I would walk you through how I painted th...
The Floodgates Open
Wow, here we are just a few weeks away from Sixth Edition, and finally the
rumor floodgates have opened and begun to spew forth information...
There's a ...
What is Best in Life? Hasslefree and Red Box minis
So, yes, I finally got back into doing some painting. No, it's not my Mass
Effect figures - in all honestly I probably won't get back to them until
the Ext...
Dire Wolf AKA Fenris Wolf Tutorial
Dire Wolf AKA Fenris Wolf Guide by:BlackbardThis tutorial can also be found
I don’t know about you, but when I pictu...
At least that is what iBodger is telling me concerning my completed Cryx
models. I actually made a good effort and haven't been to Game Vault in 2
weeks, ...
Model sale off on eBay
Dear readers, it’s been a while from my last post. The reason is that not
only I had switch to another, more demanding job back on 2008, but the
Introducing Gaberln, a soccer juggling minigame
Tim Samoff and I have been working on a game - it's a soccer juggling game
called "Gaberln" (and that's why). Here's a screenshot:
For now, you can watc...
Marine Biker Army
So, I've been playing around with my Bikes the last few months and I
decided to take them to a tournament earlier this month. They did ok, but
that's not w...
C&C Tiberium Alliances Totally Rips Off GW
As reported by Rock Paper Shotgun.
In other news, I lost the second round of the Thunderdome Survival Series.
Listen to episode 46 of LAtCS to hear how it...
Progress! On A Small Scale
Any progress is good progress as far as I’m concerned.
[image: IMG_0096]
I still need to do a lot more with these, but I can say that they’re close
to d...
So I haven't posted anything here in almost two years. Honestly kind of
forgot I even had a blog. I've been ramping up work lately though, so I
thought I s...
Space Wolves New Sprues!!!
So I managed to get my hands on the new Space Wolves today! For those of
you bloggers not living in Australian/Pacific region these are the actual
AUD pr...
Follow the Flames: Round 2 - 800 pts
My USSR troops were in action again (again mascarading as Greeks). Unlike
last time, both these games were tactically much more challenging and a ...
Basing Tutorial
Greetings one and all! Hope the new year's treating you well so far.
Been rather busy working lately, so haven't made any progress on the rest
of my Warrior...
Nautican WFB Unit Profile - Contest
I'm working on a major new release of the Nautican Army and am asking for
some help from anyone interested in getting involved in the project.I have
three ...
Fantasy Army Design Themes & Bases
[image: Golden Daemon Winner photos]
For maximum impact hits (before you even charge !) try choosing an army
theme, a consistent colour, painting and basing...
New Scenery
Over the holiday break I didn't get any time to play a game. Which is a
shame. I did however get a chance to make some scenery. To me my Necron
army needed...
Blood for the blood god!
Just received this from my friend, painting this for him! I mean, Games
Workshop should consider making their Greater Daemon, "Greater" in size!
The End of the Frugal Year(s)
As you may have noticed I haven't been posting on the blog too much
recently. This is, in part, to it's success; I've been playing too many
games and ge...
Painting Update: My first Trukk
Hey guys, I just recently finished painting my Ork Trukk. I am overall
happy with the results, especially the red armor. This was actually the
largest m...
!!! I WON !!!
There it is, up there on the top left hand corner, right above last years :)
This one was hard as you can see from my stats. I stalled after about ...
The Pack Elite - Part 2
*I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working
on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have
what to...
Grey Hunters - WIP - Part 1
From the Space Wolves pack, I've assembled nine Grey Wolves here, making
room for perhaps a Wolf Guard or one of the HQ. Assembly took a little more
than 2...
Work on the Dragon Rider
Thought I'd update you all with the 'ever more stuff to do' progress on all
things Dragon-y.
This is the work on the Prince riding him...
And the star...
Origins of the Thorinkin
*Imperial Year -335*
*The Orc Invasion of Karaz-a-Karak *It was the invasion of the lands of
Karaz-a-Karak by Orc Warlord Ugrok Beardburner and his horde...
Improvements on Red
After reading around on forums and a few painting blogs, I've had a go at
changing my red recipe to improve it. In the past, I used excessive black
lining ...
Hobby: Chapter Master and Honour Guard
Finished at last. Gabriel Angelous and his full Honour Guard. Ready for my
2k tournament next month.
"Long ago, the Emperor foresaw humanity's need for war...
Mysteries of the Pre Heresy Dreadnought
Today Forge World released the latest of their incredibly late 'Next Babab
War' releases, one of which was pedestrian at best - namely the blinking
Space S...
The Future of My 40k Hobby
*opens the door slowly with a creak noise, finding all the lights off*
Hello? Any one home? *flips on the lights to find all his old 40k models
and blog po...
Long time no see...
So... its been a while. A lot has changed since I was last here (I wont
bore you with the details)and I shall start putting pics up again soon,
So Im sure you all know about the price increase, and this post is not
about that. Because well, there are thousands of rants all over the
internet about ...
eBay is the Devil and Other News
I know I know, I took two solid months off with no update. I got distracted
by various things...
I recently decided that my son and I need some more "hob...
(PM-05) Cretan Archers - Part 1
This is a bit of a quickie project. It's part of my experiments with
"dipping." I've posted a bit abour my first experiment at my regular blog.
As a "quic...
April Update #2
Finally got around to putting up some pics of progress. Finished my
Marauder, started work on both the Juggernaut and the Destroyer, and I
completed my War...
Assignment for the class of Alex van Utrecht
This assignment will consist of several video links each accompanied with
some questions.
click the link and do the assignments.
I've been called out!
My good friend Lantz over at The Magnet Pro has just gotten a position as
a guest writer on a well visited and from what I can tell a pretty darn
A year in review
Well, its been nearly a year since i last made a post to the blog!
The last year has been so hectic for me that writing the blog was often the
last thing ...
Counts-As Mephiston
I posted a bad picture of this a while ago, figured I'd add a higher
quality one. Parts are from the Death Company kit, a Dark Angels sword,
random plasm...
A fist to the face?
Sorry for the extreme lack of updates, buttloads of stuff have been going
on with work, etc.
I've basically been swamped at home with worrying thought and ...
Turn order and Initiative
There’s three main ways of organising how players take turns in a campaign
ranging from the very simple simultaneous method, to the ordered method or
the m...
Adding another WebSite
AKA: Godaddy Sucks!
I am in the process of setting up another website at this time. I have been
extaordinary busy these last few months and the little free...
Astro Mag Issue 8!
Hey guys, Astro Mag Issue 8 is out! Go download it, won't you?
Also, apologies for the lack of activity. I have a lot of Dark Eldar
sitting next to my de...
Mince Pies & Murder: An RPG Review
It was about a year ago now when I first came across 6d6 online. I don’t
remember how I came across the site, but I was immediately attracted to the
Bell of Lost Souls editorial FAIL
Bell of Lost Souls. You know the place. You've probably been on one side
or another of one of their myraid of arguments. The site, as far as I can
97 - Blood Ravens Tactical Squad "Contemptus"
Here we have the ten marines who make up my first tactical squad, "
Contemptus." The Sergeant is armed with a Power Fist and the two
specialists are equipp...
DragonQuest - First Ideas
Happy new year, folks! Sorry it's been a couple of weeks since I last
posted anything, busy times of course and I haven't had many opportunities
to set up ...
Warhammer Fantasy Battle Tournament VIDEOS
6 Warhammer Fantasy battle videos, with High Elves vs Lizardmen, Dark
Elves, Dwarfs, Bretonnians, Vampire Counts and Chaos Dwarfs
[image: Warhammer Battlefi...
Awesomefest 2010 - The Aftermath!
Last Saturday saw the conclusion of yet another awesome awesomefest! This
time the points where bumped up to 1500 a side - not attempted since the
Empire Spearmen - Work-in-Progress
I was very kindly reminded by Warhammer 39999 that I needed to post which end, last night I cracked open the tub of Empire Spearmen,
More than just war games
I play other games besides 40k. I'm a big role playing fan. In fact, role
playing was my first hobby, and I still game today. It goes without saying
On the Spectrum: The Red Bamboo inn
On the Spectrum: The Red Bamboo inn: "The Red Bamboo inn A tube inserted in
my gullet would have had a more intricate palette than that of the “Red
Bamboo ...
A Second Blog is Coming!!!
Yes, dear readers, I am branching out. While the Noob page will stay up
and still be updated to discuss all things noobness, I have decided to run
a secon...
Age of the Emperor Armies
This weekend was the event entitled "Age of the Emperor: The Great
Scouring" run by the Tempus Fugitives. Here's a selection of photos from
the event for y...
Ebay/Goodbye: Final goodbye and Salamanders are up.
I'm sorry but i forgot to put up that the warriors and silver skulls had
gone up on ebay but here is the link to my green salamanders marines:
Autumn Incursion
8th edition is hear and the first big tournament was held at Maelstrom
Games this last weekend with 50 players trying to get there heads around
the new gam...
Nova Open: Jawaballs will be in the house!
Great news! After some sweet talking to the wife, and paying her 100 bucks,
plus having to cancel on Bolscon and a week of moping around the house like
Moving over to Wordpress
I am saying goodbye to this blog and moving over to blogging all about my
hobby on Wordpress.
Why? Well my hobby has changed over the past couple of mo...
"It's a fez, i wear a fez now, fezes are cool"
The crooked Dice minis sculpted by Kev White..... planning on doing the
Steve B Heresy ones too...but the Amy arrived to late for the original
Befuddle the cake and crush with no remorse!
Hello everyone, long time since my last update. Semester and work has been
taking it's toll on the hobby and not much time have been available. But,
I'm no...
Sculpting Spirit Stones
Hey there folks! There's been a few recent inquiries about how to sculpt
Spirit Stones. Thing is, there's no "right" way, only whatever works best
for you ...
Hello World
Wow, its been a while since I've been able to check in on this place.
Sadly I don't even have anything to report, I've been on a bit of a kick
with my Spa...
Hi all,
in two weeks my PhD will be finished and I celebrate the late summer and
fall with some workshops I offer here in Germany. Two Workshops are ready
I've been home recovering from a brief hospital stay and I was able to get
some work done on my Wolves. I actually finished assembling my Long Fangs
Black Orcs 1 & 2
Alright I managed to get 2 BoBs made this evening. Not great progress -
normally I'd be happy to get 2 minis built (I usually build one and then
paint it!)...
For Sale: Dwarf Army
Hello guys! I'm afraid the blog has been rather dead of late, but I am
still out there. I'm currently in the middle of a long stretch of straight
working d...
Wood Elves for Tempest Rising
I have a great fluffy/themey wood elf list. I have even written some fluff.
Once upon a time there was an Elven princess. She liked shooting but her
Got a little bit done yesterday. It really is quite a draining experience
trying to clean plastics without the prospect of painting them any time
soon. I...
Another sad case of art theft
Kind of sickening really. Read about it here and take time to complain to
the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers
Daemon Princesses:
So, lets start out with my Daemon Princess Sculpt, this is pretty rough as
it still needs sanding and buffing. I've designed her to be modular so that
I c...
Back to the Night Goblins-- PILEDRIVER!
Because I'll be fielding a lone troll, he needs to look awesome... and the
BFSP troll doesn't look awesome... I feel like having him piledrive the
Painting: My painting method.
So, the method I have been using for my models is as follows:
prime black
fenris grey
shadow grey
devlan mud wash
general highlight shadow grey
build up to ...
Grey Hunters WIP
Here is a picture of my Grey Hunters as they are moving on through their
painting phase.. The primer, Fenris Grey basecoat, washed with
Blue, ...
Reply FTW: GW scenery bad for the hobby?
I want you to first read ColCorbane article on From the Warp. In this
article titled GW scenery bad for the hobby is something I had not
considered before....
Folding back into TPC
After some discussion, I've decided that Reinforcements will find itself
folded back into The Painting Corps with a bit more detail as an irregular
Warlord Titan (6)
It's been a very long time since I did some work on my Titan. After around
6 months I have finally found time to cut out and glue on the gothic windos
Goals for 2010
I have one goal for 2010: To complete my Daemons of Chaos army in time to
participate in the Ordo Fanaticus Club Challenge. I believe this is in July
or Au...
HQ - Gunnolf HackleDread
Hey all,
Thanks for stopping by. Some of you may know me as 73rd from my other blog
dedicated to my Dark Angels
This is my first post here at Here Comes T...
So I've been spending a bit of time playing Eve recently. It has been fun,
and I finally got me a Battleship. I also got PvP'd for the first time in I
*Golden Demon 2006*
My entry for golden demon 2006, this unit of chaos chaos knights made to
the National Finial in Australia but were damaged du...
Just alittle update.
I some painting projects going on but I haven't any pictures yet. One of
the new projects are a ruind building, fairly easy to make I just have used
some c...
Hawk Lord - Finished
Finally got him finished on the 23rd, but couldn't get access to a camera
till today.
I'm quite happy with him really, apart from maybe the wet blending w...
The Sable Swords - Part 1
The shower of blood indicated that brother Solos' frag missle had hit home
into the ork lines, the sound of bolters chattering and the nearby and
howls of ...
Blood Pact looted Hydra
Well hi! It's been a while. I managed to finish my Hydra and get it painted
up. It turned out better than I thought, though the barbed wire was a real
Vehicle Stand Option (Utilizing Magnets)
The pictures are somewhat out of order, but this is what I have been up to
lately. After seeing the awesome job Guillius has done with his vehicles on
My New Vampire Count
I'm starting a new army, Vampire Counts.
I've already got the spearhead now all I got to do is paint them. There's
just one hang up. I'm looking for a b...
This post isn't really warhammer relvant but it is sorta... that didn't
make sense... anyway, I got a go at archery the other week and it's really
good fun...
Sgt Tellion and Scouts
Well, here they are, my competed scout troops led by Sgt. Tellion himself.
I must say the sculpting by the so-called trainee in GW is really good!...
Painted Sorcerers and Warshrine
Now that my exams are over and done with i can post on here again with out
felling guilty.
My sorcerers and warshrine are the center pieces of my W...
Mordheim Campaign 2 – Game 3
After a productive rummage through the city, it was time to head back to
their temporary den. The Skaven warband “Fierce” was scurrying back through
the ci...
Space Hulk concept work
For quite awhile now I have been contemplating making a Space Hulk game
that is not only three dimensional, but as customizable as possible. Making
each ti...
Darendaran X Mechanised
One Platoon, Gamma Company, Darendaran X Mechanised:
Assembled for the muster, this pict-capture shows Gamma Company's command
and some support elements ac...
Papa Nurgle Infects Facebook!
We now have a group! Come by and join Papa Nurgle's Filthy
Facebook Fraternity!
To comment on this article, please come by our forums!
The wings look stunning, very good job!
Also, the star got a much better colour now, really like it!
So, get a move on those horns, spikes and metal parts, and I'll be all happy *grins*
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