Image property of Games Workshop
Try not to be overwhelmed with excitement!
Plastic door stands for the win! I'm trying to impose some self-discipline when it comes to getting Space Hulk painted so I've first painted all of the door stands. Which means I can now move on to all the other more exciting things!
BWAHAHAHAH! I'm amused as I did the exact same thing. Door stands first, then Genestealer test, 3x batches of 7 Genestealers, the Broodlord, the accessories (CAT, throne & cup), and finishing with the Termies.
I'm now on the Termies, but ran out of Mechrite Red and my FLGS was out. :-( I want to finish!!! It's vexing to be so close to done...
That's the sequence I did too but I've left tthe objectives for absolute last.
Whoa! If that is what the door stands look like, I can not wait to see the models!!!
Beautiful, I like it!
Thanks for the comments guys. Really appreciate it. Made a start on Calistarius as I haven't had enough time to do any blocks of painting like I'd require for the Genestealers so treated myself in the little time I've had! :D
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