Made a start on Lexicanium Calistarius (or Mr. Mephiston to the rest of us!). The blue power armour needs some tidying up but I was aiming for a high contrast between the edge highlight and the mid-tone. I think it might need a little blending back but will see how it looks once the red is down.

Any thoughts so far?
Looking good so far, this can be tough model to do... I know.
The picture is small, I hoped it would be bigger if I clicked on it because it's hard to see the shading on the armour at this size.
Thanks Ron. There are lots of little bits of detail so totally agree it's a tough model. Will try and fix the image size for the next update! It's quite bad actually because it's hard to see any colour on it other than the edge highlight colour :( Picture fail! :D
Looks okay so far! :) Too early really for more than that, but I didn't want to be rude and not comment. :)
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