D&D: Five Things To Do In A Tavern
[image: D&D: Five Things To Do In A Tavern]
Taverns are as much a part of D&D as d20s, but what should you actually do
while you’re there? We’ve got a fe...
Email James: james@thegloriousworks.co.cc
Every bit of progress is good *smiles*
While scrolling down, I noticed your model of Elazar for the first time; a very nice start, even if you're not happy with the head. You could try to give him a mask, to make the link to Vela more clear?
Anyways, hope he's not too far down on your list, as soon as those Warriors are done.
nice bases man. And the tray also ;D
Can I ask you how will you glue the warriors to the bases? Because of the modelling snow, wich glue are you going to use?
PS: I was expecting to see your chaos warriors! A bunch of warriors as cool as you already made before ;D
Gotta love the snow bases :)
Thanks guys!
Noeste: Will be returning to Elazar soon, as soon as the warriors and then the Shaggoth are painted he'll probably become the focus of my attention for a bit.
Nesbet: I usually superglue them to the bases, with some pva glue on the snow where the warriors will stand they usually glue without any problems. Next update there will be visible warriors too, promise! :)
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