Lots of pictures in this post so apologies for the loading time! Click the pictures to see them in full size.
I've finished the Land Raider Crusader and the Khorne Hounds for The Gorewing so I thought I'd post some pics. The first picture is of the painted army so far. Clearly still a lot to do!
D&D: Five Things To Do In A Tavern
[image: D&D: Five Things To Do In A Tavern]
Taverns are as much a part of D&D as d20s, but what should you actually do
while you’re there? We’ve got a fe...
SINCE WHEN can Chaos have LR Crusaders?! W.T.F?! I'm TOTALLY confused now...?!
They can't but I'm running a Terminator only army so using the Space Wolves book and they get Crusaders! :-D
Simply amazing. I got bit by the Khorne Counts as bug too! Looks like I have some serious competition in the awesomeness dept. Congrats on the amazing work.
Loks a great paintjob. Love the small detailing, icons a-plenty and nice gold touches. Good luck with your painting progress and Gorewing.
Wow.. This is great! I can say that this collection are wicked... Most of the figure are awesome and very detailed.. I love it.. Anyway, thanks for sharing this... I definitely visit here more often.
Khorne counts as, Iron Warriors counts as... Maybe GW will get the hint and do either a Legions Codex or some sort of better Chaos Codex. I actually don't mind the current one, but then I play for fun, I can always think of another crazy idea.
I'm doing some Khorne followers or have been of late. I gotta get back to Nurgle though, they are assembled and primed so I want them off my desk...
Nice work so far.
dogs are amazing but for the next HQ try to find old fleshhunds of khorne (not lizard-like but mastiff-like) with your's skill they'll be fantastic for this army
Great Job!
Looks nice and clean and the dogs are nice. I run my World Eaters and BA's currently. The Chaos Dex is Just so un-chaosy currently that the New Mareenz books are actually more charactful and enjoyable to play.
This is so lovely. Your blog is very interesting and those character figure is great.
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