AoS: And the Horse You Rode In On – Best Cavalry Mounts From Every Grand
[image: AoS: And the Horse You Rode In On – Best Cavalry Mounts From Every
Grand Alliance]
We’re here for round four of the Grand Alliance Throwdown! Tod...
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Space Crusade
Sadly, my partner wasn't feeling well on Sunday so I was unable to make it in for my 5000pt game so it's been put back to this sunday instead. I'll post a battle report then.
Instead I stayed at home and in the evening had a game of Space Crusade with my son. I let him take the role of the Alien player for a change and helped him out as we went along and I picked the Imperial Fists who have been my loyalist chapter since I first played Space Crusade when I was a kid. After that my loyalist marines were almost always painted yellow!
It's quite fun seeing my son's enthusiasm for Space Crusade and his growing interest in everything I'm doing for the hobby. Whether I'm painting scenery, building models or just rewriting my army list he's there with questions at the minute and he's also painted his first minis in the form of the AOBR Terminator and Ork Nob that came with white dwarf last year which I'd kept to one side for him. Looks like I might soon have another regular opponent! :D
As for Space Crusade, my Imperial Fists went about their mission (to kill the Chaos Space Marine Commander) with ruthless efficiency and also completed their secondary mission of killing the Chaos Heavy Weapon Marine. In the end I was left with just my Plasma Gunner and my Commander with his heavy bolter/ plasma gun combi weapon. These two guys then proceeded to clear the board of the alien scum. Amazingly they even managed to take out the enemy Dreadnought with a fusillade of plasma fire without taking any damage themselves! Here they are before they made a heroic return to their docking claw!
I should have a real update soon. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Fortified Manor House
I've done a bit more of the Manor House now. I plan on doing the tower and the rest in the reverse order paint wise. It'll be so much easier to paint the stone before the plaster parts so that it'll be easier to cover the mistakes as I go along! For some reason I completely forgot to do the chimney when doing the bricks but I'll just do that when I do the rest of the stonework on the details.
Let me know your thoughts!
Let me know your thoughts!
Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Fortified Manor House
I'm currently painting up some scenery for my gaming club. At the minute I don't have any of my own scenery as I do all of my gaming at my club but I might have to start putting some together, not least because my son is starting to become interested in the hobby. He already plays Space Crusade with me (how I got started in the hobby so figured I'd sucker him in the same way!) and has is interested in all of my projects at the minute.
Anyway, I've only just made a start on this but it's a bit since I've posted anything and I wanted to show that I'm doing something. I'm basically going to replicate the colour scheme Games Workshop used for the Fortified Manor House as I really like it (particularly the red roof tiles) and whilst I don't possess an encyclopaedic knowledge of my gaming club's scenery I can't say I've seen anything painted likewise so it will be nice to have a bit of variety. Let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you have.
P.S. Have finished Fulgrim. What an awesome book! I have an overpowering urge to do my Chaos Space Marines as Slaaneshi marines now! Started Descent of Angels, seems ok but I'm not a huge fan of the sons of Lion El' Richie...
Anyway, I've only just made a start on this but it's a bit since I've posted anything and I wanted to show that I'm doing something. I'm basically going to replicate the colour scheme Games Workshop used for the Fortified Manor House as I really like it (particularly the red roof tiles) and whilst I don't possess an encyclopaedic knowledge of my gaming club's scenery I can't say I've seen anything painted likewise so it will be nice to have a bit of variety. Let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you have.
P.S. Have finished Fulgrim. What an awesome book! I have an overpowering urge to do my Chaos Space Marines as Slaaneshi marines now! Started Descent of Angels, seems ok but I'm not a huge fan of the sons of Lion El' Richie...
Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Father's Day
Obviously today is father's day and my children (and my partner) have spoilt me by buying me 5 of the Horus Heresy books. I'd only read up to and including Flight of the Eisenstein but have now got Fulgrim, Descent of Angels, Legion, Battle for the Abyss and Mechanicum to read through! I seem to read at a furious pace once I'm into a book and the series of books have been great so far and with Fulgrim to read next I'm expecting to have something of a hobby inspiration overload as Slaanesh has always been my chaos god of choice and I used to have an Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marine army....
I'm hoping that it will be enough to get me going hobby wise again as I have run out of steam this last week and usually reading a good book or watching a particularly inspiring film (LOTR: The Two Towers has always been good for motivating me for Warhammer, nothing makes me want to build a massive army like the Siege on Helm's Deep!) gets me going again.
Hopefully you can expect updates soon!
I'm hoping that it will be enough to get me going hobby wise again as I have run out of steam this last week and usually reading a good book or watching a particularly inspiring film (LOTR: The Two Towers has always been good for motivating me for Warhammer, nothing makes me want to build a massive army like the Siege on Helm's Deep!) gets me going again.
Hopefully you can expect updates soon!
Monday, 15 June 2009
3000pts vs. Daemons of Chaos
Had an interesting 3000 point game against Daemons. I'd love to be able to say it was interesting for all the right reasons but sadly it was more because my opponent was hard work to play with. A constantly shifting perception of how the rules work to suit them was the biggest problem. Sadly when it came to working out victory points there was a definite smudging of numbers, it could have been a genuine mistake but with how the game went I'm sadly not inclined to believe that. I'm less concerned about the result of the game when I play as this is purely a hobby for me. My army is fluff driven and far from a WAAC style army and I'm certainly not that sort of player. So it was a shame that the game against Daemons was less fun and more of a chore just because of somebody's poor attitude towards the game (this wasn't a tournament game or anything so no real excuse in my mind).
Anyway, on to the interesting stuff.
I took the disappointing decision of marking my sorcerer's Tzeentch for this game as I figured the lore of Slaanesh wouldn't be of much use although for the most part I wish I hadn't bothered as the lore proved to be highly effective on the first turn of the game and did nothing more after that. Next time I'll stick to my principles and probably take Slaanesh as my spells wouldn't have been that much less effective the way I managed to roll for them!
The Daemon army was led by a Lord of Change and contained 3 Khorne Heralds and a Nurgle Herald. The Heralds went into 2 units of 20 Bloodletters, a unit of Bloodcrushers and a unit of 20 Plaguebearers respectively. There were also 2 units of 6 Flesh Hounds and a unit of 6 Flamers.
I deployed my Marauder Horsemen with a unit of Warhounds on one flank and my Giant with another unit of Warhounds on the other. My Knights were over on the right flank with my Dragon Ogres and a set up my infantry block on the left of the centre of the table. The Daemons had a unit of Flesh Hounds on each flank with the Flamers on the same Flank as I'd placed my Marauder Horsemen. There was a unit of Bloodletters and a unit of Plaguebearers opposite my infantry and opposite the Knights and Dragon Ogres were a unit of Bloodletters and the Bloodcrushers.
I rolled for the first turn and advanced my army with the forces on the flanks marching forward as fast as they could eager to try and outmanouvre the Daemons by outweighing them on the flanks. The centre of my army moved up more cautiously as I was happy to wait for the Daemons to close the ground and have to take a turn or 2 of magic missilesso I could try to thin their ranks. Magic didn't really work out that well for me my bound spells and magic missiles failing to cause any real damage to anything (across the whole game I took out 1 flamer, 1 Bloodletter, 1 Flesh Hound and 1 Plague Bearer so I'll not even bother mentioning my magic phase again after this!). My Sorcerer Lord did manage to cast Pandemonium though and it would be this event that would win me the game (well should have!). I had no shooting and there was no combat so my opponent took his first turn.
His Flesh Hounds on the flank with my giant charged the Warhounds infront of them who fled and left the Flesh Hounds in no mans land. His other unit of Flesh Hounds didn't charge and instead held their ground cautious over the positioning of my Marauder Horsemen who would be able to get a flank charge or go after the Flamers as to how they were positioned. His units all moved forward slowly none of them marching as he was clearly hoping for me to over-commit myself. The Lord of Change flew over the heads of my army and landed behind them clearly hoping on causing untold confusion in the name of its lord Tzeentch.
The magic phase started and ended ever so wonderously for me but not for my opponent. He started by casting Boon of Tzeentch which I let go through and then went to cast Bolt of Change on 3 dice. He rolled a double 5 and a 1 so with Pandemonium in play this was a miscast. He used his obligatory reroll on one of the dice that scored 5 only to roll a 5 again confirming his miscast. My sorcerer with the Infernal Puppet stood to attention waiting impatiently to find out the results and whether he could make them worse. Turned out he wasn't needed as my opponent rolled a double 1 blowing up his Lord of Change on the first turn and giving himself an awfully hard job to do!
The Flamers tried to atone for the Daemonic master's error and managed to take out all of the Marauder Horsemen in the shooting phase which panicked the nearby Warhounds sending them off of the table.
I started my second turn by declaring a charge with my Dragon Ogres into the Bloodcrushers and my Knights into the Bloodletters. The Knights managed to make their charge but the Dragon Ogres were just out of range so failed their charge and were left sitting ducks. My giant also charged into the Flesh Hounds of Khorne. The rest of the army advanced cautiously but were too far away to get the charge in but too close to not get charged so didn't move far hoping to make the most of the second magic phase to reduce the number of daemons that would get to charge into combat which sadly didn't happen.
In close combat the Giant swung his club at the Flesh Hounds scoring 1 wound and took 1 in reply he lost the combat but held his ground and kept his footing! The Knights and the Bloodletters enjoyed a rather brutal combat that would have greatly pleased Khorne despite its eventual result. One of my Sorcerer's was in the unit of Knights so had to challenge and this was accepted by a Herald of Khorne who he got exceptionally lucky against (thanks in part to his Chaos Steed) and managed to slay before the Daemon got to attack back. The Knights managed to kill 1 of the Daemons and they in return cut down 1 Knight. This led the combat to a draw, although this was one of the many silly rules disputes that my opponent brought up along the way claiming that the Warbanner didn't allow me to claim a total of +2 combat resolution (+1 for a standard and a further +1 for the warbanner) as you could only pick one to benefit from?! Eventually he backed down on this and the combat was resolved as a draw. Sadly this was a prime example of how the whole game went :(
My opponents second turn saw the Bloodcrushers charge into the Dragon Ogres, and a unit of Bloodletters charge into my Chaos Warriors led by Amador the Chaos Lord. The Plaguebearers didn't manage to make their charge against the other unit of Warriors and so were left prone in the open. The Flamers emerged from the woods they had been lurking at the edge of and the free unit of Flesh Hounds positioned themselves to the flank of my Marauders on foot.
My opponent didn't use any magic this turn and went straight into shooting where the Flamers did an unholy amount of damage to the Marauders taking out 11 of them.
In close combat the Bloodcrushers destroyed my Dragon Ogres and their Herald took 2 wounds from the Dragon Ogre champion without reply and so he fled but was chased down by the behemoths which left them stranded away from the main battle for a bit. The Knights and Bloodletters fought out another draw with the Sorcerer this time slaying a Bloodreaper in a challenge! The Giant swung his club again in close combat slaying 3 Flesh Hounds this time giving the beasts no attacks back and they were now outnumbered and popped on instability leaving the Giant free to move support the Knights in their stalemate contest or to go after the Bloodcrushers. Amador issued a challenge in the combat between the Bloodletters and his Warriors which the unit champion accepted, the Herald showing cowardice and sending it's lesser minion to fight its battles. The Champion was quickly despatched by Amador and he beckoned once more for the Herald to step forward knowing that he would have his chance to fight the Daemon of Khorne this time. The Warriors were a flurry of attacks against the Bloodletters but their enemies otherworldly nature saved them from a lot of damage but they still took a few casualties. The combat ended in a slight victory for the Warriors after the Bloodletters attacks and combat resolution and another Bloodletter was lost to instability.
Turn 3 for me saw my Great Weapon armed Warriors charge into the Plague Bearers. My Marauders turned to face the Flesh Hounds threatening their flank. There was no way they were going to be able to fight the beasts in combat but I wanted them to at least try when they were charged! The sorcerer in the unit left knowing that the imminent close combat would not end well. The Giant positioned himself so he could charge the flank of the bloodletters that were locked in combat with the Chaos Knights next turn.
Close combat was brutal again. The Knights and Sorcerer managed to fight yet another draw with the Bloodletters it was clear that the combat needed the intervention of the Giant to settle things. The Warriors with Great Weapons didn't fare well against the Plaguebearers. I can't remember exactly how the combat went but Neron and the Herald fought a challenge causing a wound each and the Warriors failed to score many wounds on the Plaguebearers thanks to their ward save and their regeneration save. The Plaguebearers managed to cause a few wounds and won the combat but my unit held thanks to the nearby presence of Amador their general.
Amador was busy fighting the Herald. In something of an anti-climax the servant of the God of Battle and a Chaos Lord both failed to make any real impression with Amador taking a single wound but failing to cause one thanks to the Herald's save. The Warriors continued to throw out a devastating amount of attacks and were starting to make a telling effect on the Bloodletters as their numbers dwindled. The combat was again won by the Warriors and another Bloodletter went to instability.
My opponent's turn 3 started with the expected charge of the Flesh Hounds into the Marauders and then his Bloodcrushers rushed to return to combat positioning themselves for a charge into the rear of my Chaos Knights locked in combat with the Bloodletters. The Flamers repositioned themselves clearly planning on taking out the Sorcerer who had broken off from the Marauder unit. Which is exactly what they did in the shooting phase bringing an ungodly number of saves for me to make which I was never going to manage so I lost one of the Sorcerers. In close combat the Flesh Hounds slaughtered the Marauders breaking them and running them down before charging into Amador's flank. The Flesh Hounds didn't get to take advantage of their charge as Amador was still locked in combat with the Herald so there was nothing for them to attack. Amador promptly finished the combat dishing out 4 wounds between himself and his horse, I did however completely forget my Eye of the Gods roll which was very silly of me! The Warriors continued to carve up the Bloodletters and despite the flank charge I comfortably won the combat killing 3 Flesh Hounds with the instability test they failed miserably and a further Bloodletter. Neron was slain by the Herald of Nurgle and so the unit champion entered into a challenge with him. This one didn't go well again and I needed to roll Insane Courage which I promptly did much to my surprise!
Turn 4 would wind up being the last turn as my opponent had arrived late so we didn't get to take the battle to the full 6 turns. My Giant charged into the flank of the Bloodletters engaged with the Knights and then we went straight to the close combat phase. The Giant swung his club swatting 4 Bloodletters and then the Knights wiped out the rest. Sadly they couldn't overrun etc. so were sitting ducks for the rear charge of the Bloodcrushers that was forthcoming. I restrained the Giant knowing that his assistance would be needed and if he had of overrun he would have wound up closer to the Flamers who had no targets in their turn 4. The combat involving The Great Weapon Warriors went a bit nicer this turn and my Warriors lost the combat by a small amount and held firm. Amador dispatched of another Flesh Hound and his Warriors wiped out the Bloodletters the instability check then killed off the remaining Flesh Hound leaving Amador's unit free to flank charge the Plaguebearers if we'd have gotten to turn 5.
My opponent started his last turn by charging the Bloodcrushers into the rear of the Knights and with the Flamers having nothing to shoot at we went straight to combat again. The Bloodcrushers defeated the Knights but the Herald failed to slay the Sorcerer who fled on his own evading his pursuers and remaining on the table. The Plaguebearers and the Warriors fought out another poor round of combat with very little damage caused either way.
So the game ended and we added up Victory Points. It was worked out as a draw by my opponent but once I got home I worked them out again and even when being generous to him and assuming he didn't have all of the gifts of chaos I'm confident he took I won by 515 points instead of losing by the 84 he claimed! This would have been a minor victory to me. If we could have carried on the game it would have gotten worse for the Daemons as on turn 5 I had a flank charge into the Plaguebearers with Amador's warriors who were still over half strength and a flank charge with the giant into the Bloodcrushers. I'd have had a good chance of rallying the Sorcerer as well saving me some lost victory points. Alas, it wasn't to be and as I've said I'm more disappointed by the nature of the game than the smudged result at the end but it will be the last time I play this particular opponent.
My army list just for the sake of completeness.
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Rending Sword
Collor of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Bloodcurdling Roar
Isidro Devante
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Bronze Armour of Zhrakk
Rod of Torment
Spell Familiar
Power Stone
Third Eye of Tzeentch
Gaizka The Warped
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Power Familiar
Book of Secrets
Conjoined Homunculus
Inigo The Majestic
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Infernal Puppet
Talisman of Protection
Chaos Steed
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Crown of Everlasting Conquest
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Additional Hand Weapons
Rapturous Standard
- Amador led this unit
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Banner of Wrath
- Neron and Isidro Devante led this unit
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Light Armour
- Gaizka led this unit
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
- Inigo The Majestic led this unit
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
Chaos Giant
Mark of Slaanesh
Anyway, on to the interesting stuff.
I took the disappointing decision of marking my sorcerer's Tzeentch for this game as I figured the lore of Slaanesh wouldn't be of much use although for the most part I wish I hadn't bothered as the lore proved to be highly effective on the first turn of the game and did nothing more after that. Next time I'll stick to my principles and probably take Slaanesh as my spells wouldn't have been that much less effective the way I managed to roll for them!
The Daemon army was led by a Lord of Change and contained 3 Khorne Heralds and a Nurgle Herald. The Heralds went into 2 units of 20 Bloodletters, a unit of Bloodcrushers and a unit of 20 Plaguebearers respectively. There were also 2 units of 6 Flesh Hounds and a unit of 6 Flamers.
I deployed my Marauder Horsemen with a unit of Warhounds on one flank and my Giant with another unit of Warhounds on the other. My Knights were over on the right flank with my Dragon Ogres and a set up my infantry block on the left of the centre of the table. The Daemons had a unit of Flesh Hounds on each flank with the Flamers on the same Flank as I'd placed my Marauder Horsemen. There was a unit of Bloodletters and a unit of Plaguebearers opposite my infantry and opposite the Knights and Dragon Ogres were a unit of Bloodletters and the Bloodcrushers.
I rolled for the first turn and advanced my army with the forces on the flanks marching forward as fast as they could eager to try and outmanouvre the Daemons by outweighing them on the flanks. The centre of my army moved up more cautiously as I was happy to wait for the Daemons to close the ground and have to take a turn or 2 of magic missilesso I could try to thin their ranks. Magic didn't really work out that well for me my bound spells and magic missiles failing to cause any real damage to anything (across the whole game I took out 1 flamer, 1 Bloodletter, 1 Flesh Hound and 1 Plague Bearer so I'll not even bother mentioning my magic phase again after this!). My Sorcerer Lord did manage to cast Pandemonium though and it would be this event that would win me the game (well should have!). I had no shooting and there was no combat so my opponent took his first turn.
His Flesh Hounds on the flank with my giant charged the Warhounds infront of them who fled and left the Flesh Hounds in no mans land. His other unit of Flesh Hounds didn't charge and instead held their ground cautious over the positioning of my Marauder Horsemen who would be able to get a flank charge or go after the Flamers as to how they were positioned. His units all moved forward slowly none of them marching as he was clearly hoping for me to over-commit myself. The Lord of Change flew over the heads of my army and landed behind them clearly hoping on causing untold confusion in the name of its lord Tzeentch.
The magic phase started and ended ever so wonderously for me but not for my opponent. He started by casting Boon of Tzeentch which I let go through and then went to cast Bolt of Change on 3 dice. He rolled a double 5 and a 1 so with Pandemonium in play this was a miscast. He used his obligatory reroll on one of the dice that scored 5 only to roll a 5 again confirming his miscast. My sorcerer with the Infernal Puppet stood to attention waiting impatiently to find out the results and whether he could make them worse. Turned out he wasn't needed as my opponent rolled a double 1 blowing up his Lord of Change on the first turn and giving himself an awfully hard job to do!
The Flamers tried to atone for the Daemonic master's error and managed to take out all of the Marauder Horsemen in the shooting phase which panicked the nearby Warhounds sending them off of the table.
I started my second turn by declaring a charge with my Dragon Ogres into the Bloodcrushers and my Knights into the Bloodletters. The Knights managed to make their charge but the Dragon Ogres were just out of range so failed their charge and were left sitting ducks. My giant also charged into the Flesh Hounds of Khorne. The rest of the army advanced cautiously but were too far away to get the charge in but too close to not get charged so didn't move far hoping to make the most of the second magic phase to reduce the number of daemons that would get to charge into combat which sadly didn't happen.
In close combat the Giant swung his club at the Flesh Hounds scoring 1 wound and took 1 in reply he lost the combat but held his ground and kept his footing! The Knights and the Bloodletters enjoyed a rather brutal combat that would have greatly pleased Khorne despite its eventual result. One of my Sorcerer's was in the unit of Knights so had to challenge and this was accepted by a Herald of Khorne who he got exceptionally lucky against (thanks in part to his Chaos Steed) and managed to slay before the Daemon got to attack back. The Knights managed to kill 1 of the Daemons and they in return cut down 1 Knight. This led the combat to a draw, although this was one of the many silly rules disputes that my opponent brought up along the way claiming that the Warbanner didn't allow me to claim a total of +2 combat resolution (+1 for a standard and a further +1 for the warbanner) as you could only pick one to benefit from?! Eventually he backed down on this and the combat was resolved as a draw. Sadly this was a prime example of how the whole game went :(
My opponents second turn saw the Bloodcrushers charge into the Dragon Ogres, and a unit of Bloodletters charge into my Chaos Warriors led by Amador the Chaos Lord. The Plaguebearers didn't manage to make their charge against the other unit of Warriors and so were left prone in the open. The Flamers emerged from the woods they had been lurking at the edge of and the free unit of Flesh Hounds positioned themselves to the flank of my Marauders on foot.
My opponent didn't use any magic this turn and went straight into shooting where the Flamers did an unholy amount of damage to the Marauders taking out 11 of them.
In close combat the Bloodcrushers destroyed my Dragon Ogres and their Herald took 2 wounds from the Dragon Ogre champion without reply and so he fled but was chased down by the behemoths which left them stranded away from the main battle for a bit. The Knights and Bloodletters fought out another draw with the Sorcerer this time slaying a Bloodreaper in a challenge! The Giant swung his club again in close combat slaying 3 Flesh Hounds this time giving the beasts no attacks back and they were now outnumbered and popped on instability leaving the Giant free to move support the Knights in their stalemate contest or to go after the Bloodcrushers. Amador issued a challenge in the combat between the Bloodletters and his Warriors which the unit champion accepted, the Herald showing cowardice and sending it's lesser minion to fight its battles. The Champion was quickly despatched by Amador and he beckoned once more for the Herald to step forward knowing that he would have his chance to fight the Daemon of Khorne this time. The Warriors were a flurry of attacks against the Bloodletters but their enemies otherworldly nature saved them from a lot of damage but they still took a few casualties. The combat ended in a slight victory for the Warriors after the Bloodletters attacks and combat resolution and another Bloodletter was lost to instability.
Turn 3 for me saw my Great Weapon armed Warriors charge into the Plague Bearers. My Marauders turned to face the Flesh Hounds threatening their flank. There was no way they were going to be able to fight the beasts in combat but I wanted them to at least try when they were charged! The sorcerer in the unit left knowing that the imminent close combat would not end well. The Giant positioned himself so he could charge the flank of the bloodletters that were locked in combat with the Chaos Knights next turn.
Close combat was brutal again. The Knights and Sorcerer managed to fight yet another draw with the Bloodletters it was clear that the combat needed the intervention of the Giant to settle things. The Warriors with Great Weapons didn't fare well against the Plaguebearers. I can't remember exactly how the combat went but Neron and the Herald fought a challenge causing a wound each and the Warriors failed to score many wounds on the Plaguebearers thanks to their ward save and their regeneration save. The Plaguebearers managed to cause a few wounds and won the combat but my unit held thanks to the nearby presence of Amador their general.
Amador was busy fighting the Herald. In something of an anti-climax the servant of the God of Battle and a Chaos Lord both failed to make any real impression with Amador taking a single wound but failing to cause one thanks to the Herald's save. The Warriors continued to throw out a devastating amount of attacks and were starting to make a telling effect on the Bloodletters as their numbers dwindled. The combat was again won by the Warriors and another Bloodletter went to instability.
My opponent's turn 3 started with the expected charge of the Flesh Hounds into the Marauders and then his Bloodcrushers rushed to return to combat positioning themselves for a charge into the rear of my Chaos Knights locked in combat with the Bloodletters. The Flamers repositioned themselves clearly planning on taking out the Sorcerer who had broken off from the Marauder unit. Which is exactly what they did in the shooting phase bringing an ungodly number of saves for me to make which I was never going to manage so I lost one of the Sorcerers. In close combat the Flesh Hounds slaughtered the Marauders breaking them and running them down before charging into Amador's flank. The Flesh Hounds didn't get to take advantage of their charge as Amador was still locked in combat with the Herald so there was nothing for them to attack. Amador promptly finished the combat dishing out 4 wounds between himself and his horse, I did however completely forget my Eye of the Gods roll which was very silly of me! The Warriors continued to carve up the Bloodletters and despite the flank charge I comfortably won the combat killing 3 Flesh Hounds with the instability test they failed miserably and a further Bloodletter. Neron was slain by the Herald of Nurgle and so the unit champion entered into a challenge with him. This one didn't go well again and I needed to roll Insane Courage which I promptly did much to my surprise!
Turn 4 would wind up being the last turn as my opponent had arrived late so we didn't get to take the battle to the full 6 turns. My Giant charged into the flank of the Bloodletters engaged with the Knights and then we went straight to the close combat phase. The Giant swung his club swatting 4 Bloodletters and then the Knights wiped out the rest. Sadly they couldn't overrun etc. so were sitting ducks for the rear charge of the Bloodcrushers that was forthcoming. I restrained the Giant knowing that his assistance would be needed and if he had of overrun he would have wound up closer to the Flamers who had no targets in their turn 4. The combat involving The Great Weapon Warriors went a bit nicer this turn and my Warriors lost the combat by a small amount and held firm. Amador dispatched of another Flesh Hound and his Warriors wiped out the Bloodletters the instability check then killed off the remaining Flesh Hound leaving Amador's unit free to flank charge the Plaguebearers if we'd have gotten to turn 5.
My opponent started his last turn by charging the Bloodcrushers into the rear of the Knights and with the Flamers having nothing to shoot at we went straight to combat again. The Bloodcrushers defeated the Knights but the Herald failed to slay the Sorcerer who fled on his own evading his pursuers and remaining on the table. The Plaguebearers and the Warriors fought out another poor round of combat with very little damage caused either way.
So the game ended and we added up Victory Points. It was worked out as a draw by my opponent but once I got home I worked them out again and even when being generous to him and assuming he didn't have all of the gifts of chaos I'm confident he took I won by 515 points instead of losing by the 84 he claimed! This would have been a minor victory to me. If we could have carried on the game it would have gotten worse for the Daemons as on turn 5 I had a flank charge into the Plaguebearers with Amador's warriors who were still over half strength and a flank charge with the giant into the Bloodcrushers. I'd have had a good chance of rallying the Sorcerer as well saving me some lost victory points. Alas, it wasn't to be and as I've said I'm more disappointed by the nature of the game than the smudged result at the end but it will be the last time I play this particular opponent.
My army list just for the sake of completeness.
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Rending Sword
Collor of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Bloodcurdling Roar
Isidro Devante
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Bronze Armour of Zhrakk
Rod of Torment
Spell Familiar
Power Stone
Third Eye of Tzeentch
Gaizka The Warped
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Power Familiar
Book of Secrets
Conjoined Homunculus
Inigo The Majestic
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch
Infernal Puppet
Talisman of Protection
Chaos Steed
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Crown of Everlasting Conquest
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Additional Hand Weapons
Rapturous Standard
- Amador led this unit
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Banner of Wrath
- Neron and Isidro Devante led this unit
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Light Armour
- Gaizka led this unit
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
- Inigo The Majestic led this unit
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
Chaos Giant
Mark of Slaanesh
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Be'Lakor - The Dark Master
I haven't done a great deal more on Be'Lakor but I couldn't post on my blog and not post updated pics of him. Lots to do still!
Amador - Beginnings of a mini
I've got a few ideas I want to try out on him but I'm trying to create a unique character within my army whilst trying to maintain some semblance to the Knight unit champion he began his career in the campaign as.
I quite like the pose as if he's calling out a challenge to an enemy general.
I'm trying out the head from Zorion I used right at the beginning of building this army as he's been partially scrapped for the minute and I want this to be a likeness (if not the real thing) of Elazar The Glorified's helm when he was a mortal follower of the Chaos Gods. A theme I'll come back to in my background fluff for the character.
The tricky bit here is going to be trying to do something creative with his mount.
Just for completeness and for anyone who hasn't looked through my Blog, this is the Knight Champion that he is based upon and the mini that is currently representing him on the table.
Monday, 8 June 2009
3000pts vs. Dark Elves
I had a 3000pt game against Dark Elves yesterday. Sadly, I didn't really keep track of things very well so I'm going to have to just gloss over the highlights. The Dark Elves managed to secure a Solid Victory and I'm learning that no matter the build with Dark Elves, with a capable player they are a very very tough prospect for Warriors of Chaos as we don't have a great many things with which to deal with some of their better units. My opponent went magic light which came as a shock as I know he normally plays magic heavy. I had gone magic heavy with my list expecting to need the dispel dice more than anything else! The Dark Elves did however have that blasted Ring of Hotek which is pretty much a magic phase nullifier when plonked in the middle of the table!
My Daemon Prince did exceptionally well in this game though. I kept him in cover as well as I could to avoid the 4 reaper bolt throwers, crossbowmen and shades. I was pleased to roll Hellshriek on his spells as I always take Diabolic Splendour and combined with Hellshriek he becomes a lethal Terror and Panic bomb! Which proved to be the case on turn 2! He flew onto the hill with 2 reaper bolt throwers and a unit of crossbowmen there was also my opponents big scary unit of Cold One Knights nearby. I got Hellshriek to go off and I managed to make the crossbowmen flee towards Amador (my general) and his Warrior bodyguard and the Cold One Knights also failed their Panic Test and turned tale and fled to within a quarter of an inch of the table edge. There were 6 Cold One Knights, a tooled up Dreadlord and a Master Battle Standard Bearer in the unit (over 650 points). They then failed their rally test next turn and left the table!
The Daemon Prince managed to keep using the Terror and Panic tests to tie up 2 large units of spearmen who never saw combat in the game but also never quite managed to be routed from the table so didn't score me any points before he was taken down by some heavy fire from reaper bolt throwers and shades.
The Black Guard unit champion was carrying the Ring of Hotek for my opponent and so when my magic phase was churning out 3 miscasts a turn (luckily I had the Infernal Puppet!) I decided he had to be removed at any cost so that I could make some use of all the points I'd spent on my sorcerers! The only unit at the time that could get near the Black Guard were my Dragon Ogres so I decided they would have to do the job as the Dragon Ogre Champion would have to declare a challenge and hopefully he'd want to keep the Dreadlord alive for the VP and so would surrender the champion up to the chopping block. I was right and the Dragon Ogre champion made mincemeat of the Black Guard despite their mandatory always strikes first banner! However the other Dragon Ogres were chopped up and the champion fled away. However, my 14 power dice magic phase was finally on and my sorcerers started to do some damage but not enough before the toll of being outnumbered by enemy units rapidly reduced my numbers,
The enemy Hydra proved to be a pain managing to take out both my Great Weapon armed Marauders and the Warriors armed with the same (although these were flanked by the Black Guard whilst locked in combat and that's what sent them running. My other unit of Warriors with the Chaos Lord did a good job of bringing me back some VP by taking out the Hydra (and the gods blessed Amador by making him a terror causer) and then by charging into the Black Guard killing their unit champion in a challenge followed by the Dreadlord with his strength doubling multi wound weapon which was partly cancelled out by the Crimson Armour of Dargan. The Warriors around him reduced the Black Guard unit down to 3 men but these true to their stubborn nature held at the end of turn 6.
It was a really fun game against a very strong but slightly different Dark Elf list. I think it was the loss of my Daemon Prince that really lost me the battle as he wasn't there to make sure the two big units of spearmen were fleeing or below half strength at the end of the game.
My army list was as follows:
Elazar The Glorified
Daemon Prince
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Diabolic Splendour
Bloodcurdling Roar
Fury of the Blood God
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Gaizka The Warped
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Book of Secrets
Power Familiar
Isidro Devante
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Rod of Torment
Biting Blade
Inigo The Majestic
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Infernal Puppet
Talisman of Protection
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Crown of Everlasting Conquest
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Additional Hand Weapons
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
10 Chaos Wariors
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Full Command
Blasted Standard
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Light Armour
Full Command
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
My Daemon Prince did exceptionally well in this game though. I kept him in cover as well as I could to avoid the 4 reaper bolt throwers, crossbowmen and shades. I was pleased to roll Hellshriek on his spells as I always take Diabolic Splendour and combined with Hellshriek he becomes a lethal Terror and Panic bomb! Which proved to be the case on turn 2! He flew onto the hill with 2 reaper bolt throwers and a unit of crossbowmen there was also my opponents big scary unit of Cold One Knights nearby. I got Hellshriek to go off and I managed to make the crossbowmen flee towards Amador (my general) and his Warrior bodyguard and the Cold One Knights also failed their Panic Test and turned tale and fled to within a quarter of an inch of the table edge. There were 6 Cold One Knights, a tooled up Dreadlord and a Master Battle Standard Bearer in the unit (over 650 points). They then failed their rally test next turn and left the table!
The Daemon Prince managed to keep using the Terror and Panic tests to tie up 2 large units of spearmen who never saw combat in the game but also never quite managed to be routed from the table so didn't score me any points before he was taken down by some heavy fire from reaper bolt throwers and shades.
The Black Guard unit champion was carrying the Ring of Hotek for my opponent and so when my magic phase was churning out 3 miscasts a turn (luckily I had the Infernal Puppet!) I decided he had to be removed at any cost so that I could make some use of all the points I'd spent on my sorcerers! The only unit at the time that could get near the Black Guard were my Dragon Ogres so I decided they would have to do the job as the Dragon Ogre Champion would have to declare a challenge and hopefully he'd want to keep the Dreadlord alive for the VP and so would surrender the champion up to the chopping block. I was right and the Dragon Ogre champion made mincemeat of the Black Guard despite their mandatory always strikes first banner! However the other Dragon Ogres were chopped up and the champion fled away. However, my 14 power dice magic phase was finally on and my sorcerers started to do some damage but not enough before the toll of being outnumbered by enemy units rapidly reduced my numbers,
The enemy Hydra proved to be a pain managing to take out both my Great Weapon armed Marauders and the Warriors armed with the same (although these were flanked by the Black Guard whilst locked in combat and that's what sent them running. My other unit of Warriors with the Chaos Lord did a good job of bringing me back some VP by taking out the Hydra (and the gods blessed Amador by making him a terror causer) and then by charging into the Black Guard killing their unit champion in a challenge followed by the Dreadlord with his strength doubling multi wound weapon which was partly cancelled out by the Crimson Armour of Dargan. The Warriors around him reduced the Black Guard unit down to 3 men but these true to their stubborn nature held at the end of turn 6.
It was a really fun game against a very strong but slightly different Dark Elf list. I think it was the loss of my Daemon Prince that really lost me the battle as he wasn't there to make sure the two big units of spearmen were fleeing or below half strength at the end of the game.
My army list was as follows:
Elazar The Glorified
Daemon Prince
Level 4 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Diabolic Splendour
Bloodcurdling Roar
Fury of the Blood God
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Chaos Steed
Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Favour of the Gods
Gaizka The Warped
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Book of Secrets
Power Familiar
Isidro Devante
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
Rod of Torment
Biting Blade
Inigo The Majestic
Chaos Sorcerer
Level 2 Wizard
Infernal Puppet
Talisman of Protection
Neron The Destroyer
Exalted Hero
Battle Standard Bearer
Mark of Slaanesh
Crown of Everlasting Conquest
10 Chaos Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Additional Hand Weapons
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
10 Chaos Wariors
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Full Command
Blasted Standard
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Great Weapons
Light Armour
Full Command
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Standard Bearer
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Angels Exemplar - Indecision
Ok, I've started painting another marine, now, this shows how indecisive I am. Since I started painting the colour scheme has changed again... possibly...
That's what I've done so far.
I'm thinking maybe something like:
I thought about the chapter name and wondered if maybe something like gold would be a more suitable colour scheme for them.
Which do people prefer the blue and red or the gold and red idea. I'm thinking with the Gold scheme robes on marines that have them will most likely be black or red and on the blue I might bring the white back in with the robes.
Apologies for the constantly changing colour scheme ideas!
That's what I've done so far.
I'm thinking maybe something like:
I thought about the chapter name and wondered if maybe something like gold would be a more suitable colour scheme for them.
Which do people prefer the blue and red or the gold and red idea. I'm thinking with the Gold scheme robes on marines that have them will most likely be black or red and on the blue I might bring the white back in with the robes.
Apologies for the constantly changing colour scheme ideas!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Be'Lakor - The Dark Master
The pictures aren't great I know but I think the flesh is coming along nicely. Ignore the wings they're still a mess though, I've washed over the blue and will be bringing it back up to the fleshy colour around the recesses, well that's the plan anyway. I'd really love some critique on the flesh as this is the largest model I've painted for this army so far and certainly the largest expanse of flesh.
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