Anyway, I've only just made a start on this but it's a bit since I've posted anything and I wanted to show that I'm doing something. I'm basically going to replicate the colour scheme Games Workshop used for the Fortified Manor House as I really like it (particularly the red roof tiles) and whilst I don't possess an encyclopaedic knowledge of my gaming club's scenery I can't say I've seen anything painted likewise so it will be nice to have a bit of variety. Let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you have.
P.S. Have finished Fulgrim. What an awesome book! I have an overpowering urge to do my Chaos Space Marines as Slaaneshi marines now! Started Descent of Angels, seems ok but I'm not a huge fan of the sons of Lion El' Richie...
Hey, that white looks great. Love it! I look forward to see how this turns out. Keep it up!
Thanks for your comment Cianty and thanks for stopping by! Feel honoured to receive praise from you as your scenery looks great, I'd love to be able to produce some of the stuff you paint!
P.S. Loved Border Town Burning! Thanks for all the work you must have put into making it! I intend on putting together a Marauder Warband in the not too distant future and playing through your rules but they've already given me a lot of inspiration!
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