Just some better pictures of Endika as promised.
Or, The July 5th Massacre
So, I had my large battle against Frankie's Vampire Counts. To say it was a disaster for me doesn't come close to describing it. In a comment on a previous post Noeste said the following "Although, my experience says that using an incoherently painted army, usually makes the Gods of Dice and Tabletop Gaming, turn their evil gaze upon you... And with borrowed minis aswell.." Turns out Noeste is a prophet! I have never rolled the dice as bad as I did yesterday. I know that sounds like an excuse, it isn't. I didn't play particularly well either and Frankie knew exactly what he wanted to do and did it. It was however a fun game and the way I was rolling double 5s and 6s for all my break tests became just made it funnier. My list was a hodge-podge of things I had and things I was able to borrow. If I'd have had 5000pts to make up from my own troops my army composition probably would have been very different. So will have to demand a rematch then!
I deployed first and my army was deployed with an infantry centre made up with a unit of chosen, a unit of warriors, and two 15 man units of marauders. Behind these were 2 warshrines and the Hellcannon. There was also a unit of Marauder Horsemen ready to overtake the infantry and screen them. On one flank there was a unit of marauder horsemen, a unit of knights with the warbanner and two units of warhounds. On the other flank I had a unit of knights with the banner of rage, another unit of marauder horsemen, a unit of warhounds and a Slaaneshi Giant. My Chaos Lord and Isidro Devante set up in the unit of
Frankie had 3 corpse carts one towards each flank and one in the centre. There were 3 units of Black Knights set out the same. Towards the centre he had a large unit of Blood Knights. 9 Blood Knights (including Kastellan), a Wight King BSB and a Vampire Lord. Then there was 5 large blocks of Skeletons across the width of the table. A large unit of Ghouls on my left, a Varghulf with them. 3 units of Dire Wolves, again one on each flank and one through the middle. A Coprse Cart in the centre and a Vampire Lord on what was a Dark Pegasus model but I'm assuming was a Winged Nightmare (this was Frankie's General and I never managed to get him into combat to find out much about him beyond his Necromantic magic).
Just a quick note. The table was set up with a river running through the middle and towards my table edge with a bridge across it in the centre of the table. There was a hill on my right flank, a forest towards the centre next to the curve of the river and a watchtower out on my left flank. Frankie's edge had a hill straight across from my watchtower and a forest across from my hill roughly.
Frankie got the first turn and basically marched his whole army forwards, using the mobility of his Vampire Lord on winged mount to help get his army moving as fast as possible. The Varghulf shot down my left flank towards the watch tower, supported by a unit of dire wolves and a unit of ghouls. A unit of Black Knights were further along the centre and moved right up to the river as did the other two units of the same across the board. The Blood Knights did the same, heading towards my Dragon Ogres and the Banner of Rage carrying Chaos Knights. The Skeletons marched forwards but were left behind by the fast moving elements of the Vampire Counts army. This was one thing that struck me about Frankie's Vampire Counts, how manouverable they are in comparison to Chaos. Especially with Dire Wolf fast cavalry, Ethereal movement, and Vanhel's Danse Macabre!
In the magic phase he started by casting Invocation of Nehek on one dice with his general and failed the casting so I played the Black Tongue which Isidro Devante forcing a miscast. With the aid of the Infernal Puppet I made him take a wound and lose that spell which was an ok result but not as devastating as I would have hoped for his forced miscast to be. The rest of his spells were dispelled by my wizards including his other Vampire Lord with the Lore of Metal trying to melt my Chaos Knights with their own armour! There was no shooting and no close combat so we moved to my first turn.
With the river making each of Frankie's units just out of my charge range I had to manouvre my army so that the combats would be of my choosing as there was no avoiding the charges that would follow next turn. One unit of Warhounds on the left flank surged forwards towards the Varghulf whilst the unit of Marauder Horsemen went around the watchtower to the beast's rear and readied their throwing axes. The other unit of Warhounds and the unit of Knights on this flank moved forwards to support them but were in no real position to do anything productive this turn. My infantry advanced slightly just to give the sorcerer's in the units better line of sight for their spells. In particular the unit of Chaos Warriors with Neron and Gaizka, they wheeled around slightly so that Gaizka and the unit standard bearer would have LOS on the advancing Blood Knights. The unit of Marauder Horsemen in the centre repositioned themselves so that they'd block the Blood Knights so they couldn't charge into the Dragon Ogres who'd repositioned to get a counter charge should the Marauder Horsemen defy the odds and survive the onslaught of the Blood Knights. The Chaos Knights wheeled around ready to take the flank of the Blood Knights and the unit of Warhounds on my right flank moved to protect the flank of my Chaos Knights now that it was exposed. The Giant headed towards the river and the flank of Frankie's army ready to cause some problems.
The magic phase started with Sunduru on the left of the army casting Ecstatic Seizures on a unit of Black Knights there. She miscast but I got a result of 12 so cast the spell with irresistable force but then forgot how to cast it again. This killed 4 of the 10 Black Knights. Vela tried to cast Ecstatic Seizures as well but failed. The Banner of Wrath from the unit of Warriors managed to kill one of the Blood Knights (who I had now learnt had the regen. banner) then Xante killed another when he managed to get off Ecstatic Seizures. Inigo tried failed to cast any of his Lore of Fire spells on the Blood Knights sadly. Gaizka did however manage to cast Pit of Shade on them but only 1 failed the initiative test! Isidro Devante recovered the wound he'd taken using the Black Tongue with Steal Soul on one of the Black Knights and then killed another with Dark Hand of Death. That was the end of the magic phase and it hadn't gone too bad.
In the shooting phase my Hellcannon went for the Black Coach, I guessed the range almost spot on but the shot scattered 8" away into open ground. One Warshrine rolled +1 Armour for my chosen (who'd gotten +1 attack on their pre-game roll) and the other rolled +1 Leadership for the Marauder Horsemen who were about to be charged by the Blood Knights. The Marauder Horsemen threw their axes at the Blood Knights and the Varghulf managing to cause a wound on the Varghulf but no damage to the Blood Knights.
Frankie's second turn started with a lot of declared charges. His Varghulf went after my Warhounds who failed their psychology test with a roll of double 5 and ran away off the table. The Dire Wolves charged my other unit of Warhounds and the Black Knights my unit of Marauder Horsemen who were hassling the Varghulf. The Blood Knights charged into the Marauder Horsemen and the Black Knights into the unit of Warhounds protecting my Chaos Knights. In the centre the Black Coach charged Neron's Warriors and just managed to make the distance and the other unit of Black Knights charged into Amador's chosen.
Frankie's infantry carried on advancing having now reached the river and showing a nice exposed flank of skeletons for my Giant to trample on when he got the chance. The Vampire Lord continued to float about the battlefield aiding the movement of his troops but avoiding the battle that had now been joined.
Frankie's magic phase was effective if unspectacular. He managed to recover the majority of the damage I'd caused with my magic and this would be a theme for the game. I had a much greater amount of power dice but with the one dice spell spamming of the Vampires I couldn't cause more damage than he could recover. He did also raise a unit of 5 zombies infront of the chaos giant.
In close combat the Black Knights destroyed the Marauder Horsemen and managed to overrrun into my chaos Knights before the Dire Wolves did the same, destroying the Warhounds and overrunning into my Chaos Knights. The Black Knights that had reached the
I started my turn by charging Neron's warriors into the Blood Knights. The Chaos Knights were blocking the Dragon Ogre's path to the Blood Knights so they were stranded. The Giant charged into the zombie's that blocked his path. Amador rallied and turned on the spot. The only survivng unit of Marauder Horsemen crossed the river and ran towards the flank of a unit of skeletons.
My magic phase proved to be inconsequential this turn. I managed to do very little of any worth and I certainly don't remember what my sorcerer's actually achieved this turn. The shooting phase saw the Hellcannon miss it's target (this time a Corpse cart with a block of skeleton's either side of it) thanks to a large scatter distance over the back of the approaching horde. The Warshrines gifted the unit of Marauders in combat with the Blood Knights +1 strength and the other got a result of 'The Eye is Closed'.
In close combat things went terribly. Neron's warriors struck first against the Blood Knights causing 1 casualty between them and the Exalted Hero leading them. The Blood Knights then threw their attacks into the Marauders (they counted as charging them from the overrun) and tore down 10 of them thanks in part to their horses. I lost the combat. I lost the combat by 4. The Marauders rolled double 6 and the Warriors rolled double 5 (again I stupidly forgot the BSB re-roll!!). The Blood Knights pursued the Warriors catching them, Neron and Gaizka. The Marauders managed to flee off the table. The Dire Wolves and Black Knights that had overran into the Chaos Knights on my left flank caused won the combat, causing a few casualties but with greater numbers they were always going to win. The Chaos Knights then rolled another 10 for their break test and fled but were cut down by the pursuing troops. The other unit of Chaos Knights ventured no better. The Black Knights killed the Knight on my flank stopping me from attacking back. I was outnumbered and flanked to boot so lost the combat by 3 I then proceeded to roll an 11 on my break test (can you see a theme emerging!). The Knights evaded their puruers by leaving the table. The Giant with his attacks and combat res. combined managed to kill 4 of the 5 zombies leaving him stuck in the combat and he had suffered a wound to the scrabbling hands of the undead. The Marauders and the Black Knights combat proved to be very one sided and the Black Knights broke the marauders (after I rolled a 9 when they needed 4 or less) and pursued into the Warshrine after cutting down the fleeing tribesmen.
Frankie's turn 3 saw the Black Knights (the ones who'd run down the Chaos Knights after charging the flank) charge into my Dragon Ogres. A unit of Skeletons turned to face the Marauder Horsemen (who'd killed a few with their throwing axes last turn, forgot that bit). Not a great deal else happened besides some repositioning of units, particularly now that my left flank had completely collapsed and only the giant remained on the right flank so Frankie was having to bring troops back from the flanks towards the centre of my deployment zone where my surviving troops were. The Blood Knights had their flank exposed to my Hellcannon and my unengaged Warhshrine so they turned about ready to receive the imminent charge.
Frankie's magic phase was starting to get more successful for him as I'd already lost 2 of my Wizard Lords now so was short of their support dispelling his spells. However, his magic was still failing to cause any damage to my army but was doing a stellar job of recovering all of his losses.
In close combat the Giant managed to finish the last zombie off, freeing himself up for a charge in the next turn. The Dragon Ogre champion bellowed a roar of challenge and the Wight King accompanying the Black Knights accepted. The Wight King managed to cause a wound on the Dragon Ogre champion. The beast attacked back hitting with all 4 of his attacks, wounding with 3 and then Frankie made 3 6+ saves! Unbelieveable! The Black Knights cut down one of the Dragon Ogres and the remaining Dragon Ogre only managed to fell a single Knight. The Dragon Ogres fled the combat with yet another roll of a 10 by me but evaded capture. The Warshrine managed to fight the Black Knights to a draw but lost by 1 thanks to their musician but managed to hold in combat. My first passed break test of the day!
I started turn 3 already very clear in the knowledge that I had lost the battle and it would be unlikely that I'd lose by anything other than a massacre now as well. So, caution was thrown to the wind. The Hellcannon and the Warshrine both charged into the Blood Knights and my Giant stormed across and charged into a unit of Skeletons. The Dragon Ogres rallied and turned to face their pursuers. Amador and Isidro Devante left the now depleted unit of chosen and moved over towards the enemy troops approaching from the left flank. Amador moved ahead of Isidro Devante so that any charges would have to come at him but left Isidro line of sight so that he could cause some damage with his spells. The chosen moved up to block the way from the Warshrine that was in combat with the Black Knights so that they couldn't overrun into Isidro.
In the magic phase I managed to cause some more damage with my spells. In particular, Isidro Devante cut down 8 of the Black Knights that would be able to charge Amador the next turn. This left a Wight King and a unit champion. I caused some more damage here and there but nothing on quite the same scale.
In close combat, the Warshrine lost to the Black Knights and was caught by the Black Knights as they hit the remaining few chosen. The Giant rolled swing with club and took out 6 skeletons winning the combat and crumbling a few more. The Skeletons had spears so caused a wound to the giant again. The Hellcannon and Warshrine didn't do a great deal to the Blood Knights, their armour and regen save making them night invincible. In return the Blood Knights did very little either and I lost the combat by a few but passed my 2nd break test for the Warshrine, the Hellcannon being unbreakable.
Turn 4 saw Frankie charge the Wight King and unit champion into Amador and the unit of Black Knights back into the Dragon Ogres. He also charged a unit of skeletons into the flank of the giant making it a potentially interesting combat.
Don't remember much of the magic phase this turn, it was much of the same if I remember. Frankie bringing back Skeletons and Knights mostly. Not getting any of the more damaging spells off.
In combat the Hellcannon and Warshrine managed to keep the relative stalemate with the Blood Knights going. The Chosen were cut down as expected but the Black Knights didn't have sufficient movement to reach anything of mine with their overrun. Amador issued a challenge which the Wight King accepted and as he had charged the Wight King went first. He failed to cause a wound on the Chaos Lord and was dispatched duly with all of his wounds and the full overkill bonus being taken destroying the unit champion with the sizeable combat resolution. The Giant decided to yell and ball winning the combat by 2 and taking 2 skeletons off of each unit with the combat resolution. The Dragon Ogres lost the combat again and this time were caught when they fled but they'd kep Frankie busier than most of my other units had managed!
For my Turn 4 I moved Amador around the rear of the Dire Wolves and the Varghulf that were heading towards the centre of my deployment zone moving from the left flank. Isidro Devante moved with him to support him with magic.
The magic phase was again much of the same. However, Isidro Devante took out one of the units of Dire Wolves leaving 1 unit and the Varghulf.
In close combat. The Warshrine finally got destroyed by the Blood Knights and then the Hellcannon suffered the same fate leaving the Chaos Dwarves to be run down once they fled from the combat. The Blood Knights pursued off of the table which I figured would be quite handy and keeping them out of my hair whilst I mopped up the small units that I could to try and get a few VP for myself! The Giant jumped up and down destroying a rank of skeletons and winning the combat again but not by enough to destroy both units he was up against.
Frankie didn't have a great deal he could do this turn but one of his units of Black Knights managed to charge Xante the Sorcerer and the other managed to get a charge on Sunduru. The Dire Wolves and the Varghulf turned on the spot to face towards Amador and the ghouls and one of the corpse carts crossed the river towards the Chaos Lord as well. He was going to be making his last stand very soon it would seem.
In the magic phase Frankie managed to get Curse of Years (I think that's the right one. Have to roll the dice on a 6 first time lose a wound, then a five next round etc) to go off on Vela. Frankie then proceeded to roll a 6 taking a wound from the sorcerer.
In combat the two units of Black Knights killed the sorcerer's they were up against and overran into positions where they'd play no further part in the game. The Giant won his combat again but again couldn't quite get enough combat res to finish things off so was bogged down for yet another round.
My turn 5 Amador charged into the unit of Dire Wolves, choosing to take them on instead of the Varghulf. Isidro Devante moved through the woods to move clear of his Lord and the mass of troops that were descending on him.
Isidro proved to be quite useful in what would prove to be his last magic phase. He managed to cast Drain Life causing a few wounds across the massed units and got off both magic missiles causing a few wounds on the Black Knights units that were nearby but not near enough to worry him. Vela was then killed by curse of years when Frankie rolled a 5.
In close combat Amador had to challenge the Doom Wolf and quickly dispatched the beast causing enough wounds to crumble the rest of the unit. He then overran clear of the Varghulf and the approaching horde and back towards Isidro Devante's position. The Giant finally defeated the Skeletons and looked around for his next target.
Frankie started turn 6 by moving his Blood Knights in a wheel so they had line of sight on Amador. Clearly he was hoping to get Vanhels Danse Macabre off to get them into combat with him. A few other things moved but it was an irrelevance in the end.
Frankie's magic phase proved to be devastating this turn. I was down to few dispel dice and no dispel scrolls left so what I'd managed to keep in check up until then suddenly broke the dam. Amador was torn apart by Spirit of the Forge cast with Irresistable Force and Isidro Devante lost a wound to another spell but not sure which one. This left Isidro very alone and very vulnerable Curse of Years was cast on the Giant but luckily Frankie failed to roll a 6 this time. Vanhels Danse Macabre went off and the Blood Knights charged into Isidro Devante looking forward to the easy kill.
In the combat phase as expected Isidro Devante was torn to pieces on the lance of the Blood Knight Kastellan.
My turn 6 was always going to be an irrelevance but the Giant managed to charge into a Corpse Cart. In combat with the Corpse cart he rolled Thump with Club and managed to kill the Necromancer and wound the corpse cart. Then the game ended.
It was an incredibly tough game for me. As I've said dice rolling went against me quite a lot but I was soundly beaten before the dice started letting me down. My army was penned into my deployment zone by the speed with which the 'lumbering' dead managed to descend on key points of my battle formation and the ethereal nature of the Black Knights in particular allowed them to get very close before I could do much about it. All of my attempts to try and stem the tide and filter units off to where I wanted them backfired on me as well and the number of times units got to pursue or overrun into another one of my units was frightening. More frightening was my stupidity in forgetting about Neron's Battle Standard! Might not have made a huge difference but could have seen the Warriors and the Marauders holding in their combat in particular and occupying the Blood Knights for a bit long allowing my Hellcannon and Warshrines to do something more productive other than holding them up for a turn or two! I was quite disappointed with my magic for the most part as well. Considering I went quite so magic heavy I would have hoped for it to make a bit more of a difference but sadly the strength of the vampire's magic cancelled my efforts out. Frankie won by 3981 VP I think it was. A clear cut massacre!
All in all though it was great fun playing a battle on this scale. Was great to see quite so many minis on the table going to war. My only regret in regards to that is that only a 1/4 of the minis on the table were actually mine!
My army list:
Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh
Deamonic Mount
Rending Sword
Crimson Armour of Dargan
Collar of Khorne
Isidro Devante
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Black Tongue
Spell Familiar
Bronze Armour
Power Stone
Conjoined Homonculus
Gaizka The Warped
Sorcer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Power Familiar
Book of Secrets
Inigo The Majestic
Sorcerer Lord
Level 4 Wizard
Rod of Torment
Infernal Puppet
Power Stone
Chaos Steed
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
2 x Dispel Scrolls
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
2 x Dispel Scrolls
Level 2 Wizard
Mark of Slaanesh
2 x Dispel Scrolls
Exalted Hero
Mark of Slaanesh
Battle Standard Bearer
Fury of the Blood God
10 Warriors
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Banner of Wrath
Great Weapons
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Great Weapons
Light Armour
15 Marauders
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Light Armour
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armur
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Marauder Horsemen
Mark of Slaanesh
Throwing Axes
Light Armour
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
6 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
6 Chaos Knights
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Banner of Rage
3 Dragon Ogres
Great Weapons
10 Chosen
Mark of Slaanesh
Full Command
Rapturous Standard
Favour of the Gods
Additional Hand Weapons
Mark of Slaanesh
Mark of Slaanesh
Mark of Slaanesh
Email James: james@thegloriousworks.co.cc